Is a split stay worth it?


Feb 23, 2014
We're looking to plan a trip to Disney world in January or February. It is my second trip and my husbands first. We will likely spend a lot of time in the parks.

We're hoping to be there for 7-8 nights with 6-7 park days (we would rather do a few half days instead of resort days)

Budget-wise, we are looking at a value. As this will be our only kids free trip probably ever, we are considering possibly splurging to spend some time at AKL. I love the theming and it's so beautiful.

We can't really swing the whole trip at AKL, and if we make the trip any shorter, we won't have time to enjoy the hotel! Would it be worth the effort to do a split stay? We like to feel settled, and I'm not sure if we'd want to pack up and send our bags away. How long would you need to be worth it to do a split stay? Is this a huge pain?
We split stay almost everytime we go, gives us the chance to spend time at different hotels and we are a family of 5! The bag thing is easy, you simply let bell services you are transferring to a different hotel and they will have them sent over there. One big headache not to worry about. We usually check out in the morning and then go to the parks, catch the bus or monorail back to the new hotel, check in, pick up bags and we are done! We've done it for as little as 2 nights but usually we go for 4-7 nights per stay. I would not be against splitting a stay for a couple of nights just for the experience. You won't regret it!
If you do a split stay between a value and AKL, I would recommend doing the value resort for the first part of your stay and AKL for the second part of your trip.

We do split stays a lot and we enjoy it. We usually do two resorts that feel very different from each other so it feels like two vacations in one. :)
Hi:) I have to agree with the pp. We did POR for 4 nights then AKL for 2 and it was great! We love both resorts and like experiencing both. It really isn't too much to move we did the same had our luggage transferred. When we do split stays I really try to keep the laundry organized daily. This way it is not so overwhelming to pack up and move. I don't mind doing it that way.:thumbsup2
Never done a split stay at WDW. But we have done trips to California where we stayed at 2 or 3 hotels a couple of hours apart over 7 or 8 nights. A split at WDW sounds easy. Just make time the day before to pack up what you won't need that night or the next day. Makes a big difference on checkout day.
A split stay is not too much work if you plan ahead with packing. Schedule a park day on the day you switch resorts.

And it's a great idea to do value first and then AKL. Maybe plan more park days when staying at the value so you have more time to take in AKL.
We also do split stays every time we go over the past few years. Last year we did 3 hotels and we are a family of 6 and we had 4 friends with us. It is easy - they move all your bags - they even keep your refrigeration items cold. Once we did as little as 2 nights - but we like a minimum of 3 nights. Our next trip we are doing 6 and 4 nights. Also I agree with PP to do AKL last. So yes it is worth it - for us. We love the different hotels.
Speaking as someone currently experiencing her first split stay trip, I give a hearty YES! to your question. I've been at Disney for 8 nights, but it seems like so much longer because I had multiple "mini-vacations". I started with 2 nights at POFQ, switched to CSR for night 3, and then to BWI for the final 7. I second (third, really) the suggestion that you finish with the resort that you're looking forward to the most. I loved FQ and almost didn't want to leave, but BWI has been even better. Getting a pixie dust upgrade from Standard to Deluxe, Club Level with an amazing Boardwalk view didn't hurt. :tink:

My biggest recommendation? Stay away from a one night split in the middle of your trip. I wasn't able to book FQ for 3 nights and initially booked CR for my third night, then pounced on CSR when it became available in order to save $165. I was excited to stay at 3 new to me resorts, but CSR was a bust. I spent the morning at MK, then took the bus to CSR around 2, thinking that I would walk around the resort and then have lunch at Pepper Market as I waited for my room ready text. Well, 3 pm came and no text. Around 3:45, I went to the desk and was told that they had a lot of checkouts that day and my room wasn't ready yet. So I grabbed a margarita and waited. And waited. And waited. I felt that nasty homeless feeling that I'd read about on split stay threads. I was tired from all the waiting and I just wanted a room. I finally went back to the desk around 6 - only to be told that their texting system was down and my room had been ready for who knows how long. I'll admit it: I was annoyed. I didn't want to be the person who checked at the desk every five minutes, especially since I'd been told at 3:45 that everything was fine and I'd be getting a text soon, so I ultimately ended up waiting for no reason. I was mad at myself for not checking at the desk again sooner and just generally frustrated with the whole thing. Packing up and leaving the next morning just made the whole night feel like a waste.

Other than that though, my split stays were super smooth. Easy to drop my bag at BS and no wait or delay at the new resorts. I was in my BWI room by 4 and my bag was there already. I just had to call and they brought it up. I'd definitely split again.
We love split stays! It really feels like two vacations in one! With all the resorts at Disney...why only choose one!
We're looking to plan a trip to Disney world in January or February. It is my second trip and my husbands first. We will likely spend a lot of time in the parks.

We're hoping to be there for 7-8 nights with 6-7 park days (we would rather do a few half days instead of resort days)

Budget-wise, we are looking at a value. As this will be our only kids free trip probably ever, we are considering possibly splurging to spend some time at AKL. I love the theming and it's so beautiful.

We can't really swing the whole trip at AKL, and if we make the trip any shorter, we won't have time to enjoy the hotel! Would it be worth the effort to do a split stay? We like to feel settled, and I'm not sure if we'd want to pack up and send our bags away. How long would you need to be worth it to do a split stay? Is this a huge pain?

Just another word of encouragement about considering a split stay! We just got back from our 2nd WDW visit and 1st split stay (part 1 was in AKL, part 2 was in WL). I'd say your plans are ideal for a split b/c you can do 3-4 days at one and 3-4 days at the other hotel. I love to plan and pack and even I wouldn't want to brave a split for less than 3 days at a time - probably because I just love the opportunity to enjoy the resort a bit amidst the madness of touring. I couldn't decide on a hotel so I jumped into the split stay fray and I'm so glad I did. With two school age kids and my husband we really had a great time! I totally agree with the PP: it feels like mini-vacations!

FWIW I packed a separate suitcase with packing cubes for the 2nd hotel and that worked out great. The luggage transfer from AKL to WL was super easy and seamless - we just called the AKL bellman, checked out, headed to a park and came back to WL around our usual time (3-ish) to check in when we got the text that our room was ready. Easy peasy! Without kids it should be even easier for you. Even if you spend loads of time in the parks, being in a close and lovely resort still has a big impact on your vacation, IMO. I say it's completely worth it, if it makes sense with your overall plans.

Finally, just a note about AKL: we just loved it there. I keep showing people pics and everyone is floored you can get an experience like that in the U.S. And consider the reasonably priced extra tour called Caring for Giants in AK while you're there. Up close and personal with the elephants - it's great!

Whatever you decide, I hope you have a wonderful vacation!
I've only ever done one split stay and it was last April- I really wanted to stay at the Contemporary for my birthday, but couldn't really afford to stay there all 3 nights of our trip, so we stayed at POR the first two night and then transferred to the Contemporary for the last night. It was super easy and our luggage got there pretty quickly. Also, partly because we only stayed one night, we got bumped up from a standard room to a concierge level, theme park view- it was the best birthday "gift" ever! While I haven't done a split again this year, I definitely plan to again in the future. My only regret is that POR was lovely (I had never been before) and I wish we had had more time to enjoy the actual resort.

I'd vote go for it, but I'm sure whatever you choose you'll have an awesome trip!
This will be my first split stay. I did BC then move to Contemporary. I did this because we are planning a "day off" from the parks and YC/BC has an excellent pool area and is close to the boardwalk. I'm planning on checking out after the "off day" and going to HS and return to the Contemporary to check in. Hopefully our bags will be there :)
Our first onsite stay (and only onsite until later this year) was split- CBR/BC. We had a rental car so even easier. But planning another split this august. We did 3 nights each first time. Planned an easy day with park near 2nd resort on "switch" day and dinner at the resort (Cape May for us) just in case room wasn't ready. Our switch day was laundry/sleep in/afternoon park day and it worked great.
There's a great thread about split stays and includes packing tips and whether it would work for you/how to make it work.
Think as a whole split stays are a waste of time, even if that time is minimal i.e. repacking/unpacking and check in.
In your case though, since you can't afford to do AKL for the whole time and it's prob the only time you can go - I say go for it.
See if there is a middle ground cost wise, moderate resort that might fit your liking.
We often do split stays if there is a good discount on a deluxe resort. Our strategy, as others have suggested, is to book a value for the first part when we are spending all of our time in the parks. On transfer day we usually sleep in (check out is 11 AM) and drive ourselves over to the new resort. If the room is not ready, the kids and I head to the pool and have lunch poolside. In fact, we usually do this even if the room is ready lol. This is also when I like to get laundry done - I have a duffle bag that I put all the laundry in, so it's easy to keep track of among the luggage. Then late afternoon/early evening we grab a shower and head out for dinner followed by a few hours in a park to use whatever fast passes we booked.
Is there any reason that we would need to go back to the hotel in the middle of the day? Could our switching day be a heavy park day then to our new hotel after dinner? it seems like a lot of people use the switch day as a resort day, but is there an issue with using it for a park day?
Is there any reason that we would need to go back to the hotel in the middle of the day? Could our switching day be a heavy park day then to our new hotel after dinner? it seems like a lot of people use the switch day as a resort day, but is there an issue with using it for a park day?
No need to go to the new resort in the middle of the day. You can leave your luggage with Bell Services upon check out and they will arrange transfer while you are out having fun. The only reason we do it otherwise is because our trips tend to be between 8 - 12 days long, so by the time transfer day arrives we are more than ready for a non-park break.
We did our first split stay on our last trip and we liked it so much, we are doing it again this June. We split between CBR and YC last time and it was no trouble at all. This gave us a chance to try out a deluxe we hadn't stayed at before without paying deluxe prices the whole trip. I definitely recommend doing the value hotel the first part of your trip and saving the deluxe for the last part. This June we are doing a split between Contemporary and Beach Club and we are so excited!
Just back from a split at POFQ and Poly. My fourth split stay vacation. For me always worth it, even though I will say I was a bit underwhelmed by Poly after POFQ, but that was simply because of the fact FQ had fresh paint and quiet neighbors and I happened to get a great room location whereas I found Poly loud because of the draw of the restaurants, got noisy neighbors and a monorail view which also was loud. But I loved the room itself. I got to experience it and am glad for that. Couldn't have afforded it for a full stay. Easy peesy on the luggage transfers. We did Disney Springs on our transfer day simply because of the boat there from FQ. Checked out at 10:30, did our main shopping ate at TRex. Room was ready on our arrival to Poly at about 4pm. Watched the last Wishes from Poly beach.

Oh and I am not one to pack efficiently and even the extra time involved on the transfer days never bothers me.
Jumping on this thread! How does a split stay work with a memory maker? Would I need two?


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