IOA Thrillseekers Tour


<font color=green>I shall call him Mini-Me<br><fon
Nov 22, 1999
I am normally a big fan of IOA (Hulk is my all time favorite coaster, and the park's overall theming rivals Disney's), but our recent experience has really turned me against them. We have done the Thrillseekers Tour several times and had booked another one for Easter weekend. We did the booking in Jan. and gave them our charge card # to hold it at the time, and they said they would generate the paperwork 30 days beforehand--no mention of any cancellation policy. Unfortunately, in early Feb. I suffered a major knee injury, and I am still in physical therapy and would not be able to keep up with the tour. Hubby called to cancel and was told that he could not, and that they had charged our Mastercard immediately in Jan. They said we could reschedule, but it's not like we can just jump on a plane from Chicago and fly down to Orlando any old time. He asked to speak with a supervisor and was told they were all out for the day! He eventually got one on the phone, but they said the same thing...even with a doctor's report, they said they would not guarantee anything. I'm really amazed at this poor customer service. If there is a no-cancel policy, we should have been informed, and this is an emergency circumstance. Believe me, we didn't want to cancel the tour!! As good customers who have done it several times before, you'd think they would want to keep us happy. Comparing this latest IOA "adventure" with the excellent service we received on our last Disney cruise, Disney is rising much higher than Universal in my estimation. The moral of my story is, if you book a Thrillseekers tour, you'd better not hurt yourself in the meantime or you'll be out the fun AND the cost of the tour.
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It is simply assumed that there is no cancellation on most trips, unless you inquire about and purchase insurance. If you did not buy insurance they are not in the wrong.
It is not a trip. We only purchased a tour, so unfortunately they will soon discover that THEY are in the wrong, as we investigated this thoroughly and disputed this with our charge card company. It was a phone order and they did not state a cancellation policy, so they will pretty much be hosed. They should not have even charged us without generating paperwork. But they should not have made it necessary for us to even take it this far...very poor customer relations.
As for what the Thrillseekers Tour is, it's a group tour where they take you to the front of the lines for all the major attractions. It lasts five hours and starts at either 10 a.m. or noon (it also includes access to the park for the rest of the day). You can access my epinions reports on our previous tours via the epinions link on my website at:


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