Introducing 2 new members of the Preshi household (well soon anyways)


<font color=red>Proud Sister of A United States Ma
Jan 31, 2000
We don't have names yet.. currently they are being called Annabelle and Blackjack... but we are renaming them. The Mom is German Sheppard & Golden idea what the dad is. A fantastic lady rescued the mom and all 7 puppies from the pound when they were 2 days old. We wont get them until October 15th... we cant wait!! :)

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They are adorable!! You will have your hands full with the 2 of them. Enjoy them and keep us updated with pictures.
OMG! They are absolutely beautiful!! I can't wait to see pictures of them when they are older. CONGRATULATIONS!!

:bounce: :bounce: :D :bounce: :bounce:
They are so cute! I have a friend who also adopted a brother and sister duo, they are half golden retriever and half sheppard, their names are Jack and Chole.
How adorable. Of course, yu have to pick Disney names for them. Right?
Oh, so very cute, Presh!!!!! Austin will love them I bet. :) They are so little, now. Neat.
How cute these guys are!!! We just rescued a black lab mix about 4 weeks ago! She is turning in to a real sweetie! Good Luck! Keep us posted with pics!
awwwwwww so cute & cuddly

enjoy them when you get them ;)
They are so sweet. :)

I've always loved shepherd mixes. I can't wait to hear what you name them.
Congratulations, they are so adorable. We have 2 labs, 1 gold and 1 black. they look an awful lot like ours did when they were that tiny. Now they are great big beasties, but they are still adorable!!
Awwww, they are soooo sweet!! Congrats on the new additions to your family! (how about Ebony and Ivory?? :p)
How sweet, such cute babies.

I have a mixed breed German Shepherd and Golden Retriever and her personality is just wonderful. Very smart dog, too. I'll bet those pups are the same way.


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