Interupting Baby Schedule ºoº


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
Hi, our 15 month old ds likes his afternoon nap and usually doesn't put up a fuss to go to bed at night. He usually wakes around 7 am, naps from 12:15 pm - 2:30 pm (sometimes 3 pm) goes down for the night at 7 pm. Here's my concerns; he really only likes his crib to sleep in. If he's very tired, he'll snooze in the car for about 30 mintues, but he really doesn't sleep in a stroller. I plan to bring his sheets and blanket from home to confront him. We are going to WDW next week and we plan to stick to his schedule as much as possible, but we'd like to see some evening events and afternoon events. Our dd is 7 yo and we didn't get to see MM parade 3 years old and REALLY want to see it next week. It's right at nap time YIKES! Also, Illuminations and Fantasmic are late. We are considering tag team babysitting ~ that's dh stays with the kids while I see Illuminations/Fantasmic and visa versa.

Tell me about YOUR dealling with changing baby schedule! THANKS!

1975 - off site
1977 - off site
1987 - Indian Rock Shores
1990 - Holiday Inn International Drive/Daytona Beach
1998 - KIDS VILLAGE, GIVE KIDS THE WORLD, Make-a-Wish trip with 4.5 year old daughter born ill),
2001 APRIL - CBR - ON SITE FIRST TIME! YIPPY! With dd 7 years old, ds 15 months old!
It's been my experience traveling with my 2 kids that the change in bed alone is a change that wrecks the schedule. Neither one adapts that well to a new bed and it's pretty hard to get them down for a nap. Eventually the do get to the point where they will nap in anything (pass out) even the strollers if they don't normally do it. I would do what I can to make the 7 year old happy and let the younger one adapt. You probably want to work in some rest time for the 7 year old anyway.
We have found that our kids sleep great at WDW just because they're so exhausted!! We would go back for a nap every day, but did miss a couple because we wanted to see some parades. They would either fall asleep in the carriage (which they would never do at home), or stay up and we would just plan on a do-nothing evening and early to bed. I found the kids to be very adaptable, and remember it's only a week out of their lives. It usually just takes a day or two back at home to get them right back into their regular routine.
Have a great time and try not to worry about it, kids tend to surprise you! :)
Hi I wouldn't worry about it too much. I have 2 very different kids, DD would sleep any where and was perfect for a day at the parks! She would sleep when tired in the stroller! DS on the other hand never slept in the stroller, never in the car seat, never in your arms only in his bed! I thought our trip would be double hockey sticks if you know what I mean! Well he did great! Ended up sleeping in the stroller and sleeping in the portacrib. He has been to WDW 4 times and is only 3 so he really just went with the flow! If you are willing to listen to them they do seem to blend into the trip just fine!

I had to laugh when I read this question. My then 10 month old DS never slept so well as he slept in WDW. He even slept though Honey I Shrunk the Kids (he fell asleep in line). We had our own stroller that reclined fully, and we would put up the canopy, cover his legs with a light blanket (gotta prevent sunburn), and DH and I had a wonderful time switching off.
The first time we took DD#1 (then 2 1/2) she fell asleep anywhere and the middle of The Little Mermaid and the night time parade at Magic Kingdom. When we went the next time, DD#2 was 1 1/2 and she slept in my arms almost the entire time during our lunch at Cindy's.

The only problem we encountered was that the sensory overload had them falling asleep well past regular nap time (around 5:00 pm). Oh well! We still had fun!

10 sleeps to go!
I would plan my day around the things that you, your dh and 7 year old dd would like to do. I would let the baby adapt to what you are doing.

My son also never a big stroller sleeper zonked out at WDW 2 years ago when he was 1-1/2 years old. I think the heat and all the activity going around him, made him tired.

Last year, at 2-1/2, he wouldn't sleep in the stroller, but, we stayed at the parks as long as we could, before he was 100% totally unbearable. He did zonk in the car then. The days we did try to go back to the hotel for him to nap, he wouldn't or would only sleep about a 1/2 hour, it was a big waste, for us to leave the park.

This year we have our son, now 3-1/2 and also a 10 month old baby. I again plan not to leave the park unless he's totally unbearable, we are staying offsite.

My dh and I always say, if he's that tired, he'll fall asleep! :)


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