(Inspired by Serena) What time do your kids go to school?

Kitty 34

Hums in her sleep
Feb 16, 2000
Our school runs two different "shifts". My boys being older are on the early shift which is 7:40 to 2:30. The younger grades (5th on down) start an hour later.

What time are your children in school?:D
My older son is in Jr High and leaves at 7:15 bus for 8 am classes, gets out at 2:35.. Younger son's school starts at 9 am and gets out at 3:40.
All the buses in our school system run two loads but at different schools, so none of the children have to sit and wait an hour after school before leaving. Because of that, we have a lot of different schedules. My high schooler leavers at 6:50. School starts at 7:30 and ends at 2:30. If he rides the bus home, he gets there at 2:55. My fourth grader leaves home at 8:25. School starts at 9:50 and gets out at 3:05. He gets home around 3:30.
My daughters are in college so it varies by day. Of course I have to be there at 7am if I sub high school and 8am if it is elementary.
Those 7 am days are early but then it is a job.
My daughter is in the 11th Grade (or Grade 11 as we say here in Canada)

She supposedly starts at 8:50 and is done at 3:07.

I say supposedly because she almost never gets there on time!!!!:eek:
Both my girls start at 7:30. My school district has three different schedules, and they are the earliest.
One is a senior and the other in 6th grade.

Oh gosh, I inspired a thread. :blush:
My son is a "PM" kindergartener; he starts school at 11:35 and gets out at 2:10. Next year he will start school at 8:00.

My high school had weird starting and ending times---we started at 7:52 and got out at 2:37. I always thought it was so strange. Why didn't they say 7:50 start time and 2:35 dismissal? Weird, weird, weird.
My kids are in elementary school (1st and 3rd grades). They get on the bus at 6:55 and start school at 7:40.:rolleyes: Too early for little kids, if you ask me.
My son starts school at 7:45 and gets out at 3:45. He's in 5th grade. I teach at the same school (he isn't in my class and never has been) and it is a very long day!
My second grader starts at 7:20 and is finished at 1:55.

My kindergartner starts at 8:15 and is done at 2:30.
Elementary school(K-5) is 8:25-2:40. The bus picks DS up at about 7:55, and drops him off about 2:50.

DS's preschool is 9:00-12:00. ;)
We pull out of the driveway at 7:00. I drop DD7 off at 7:25 and DS9 off at 8:00. Then if 21 month old has Mother's Morning Out he gets dropped off at 8:30 and I'm back home by 8:45.

My daughter will be starting Kindergarten in Sept and it runs from 920-350...next year is the first time they are starting so late, this year they start at 8am.
Hi :wave2:

I saw this thread and decided to jump in.

We are a homeschool family.
We generally start school between 8 and 8:30am and usually finish up by 12 noon, just in time for lunch.
Somedays we work faster or slower than others though.

On the days that we have appointments, or field trips we simply adjust our time to when it fits in our schedule.
We've even done school in the evenings and on weekends before to make up a short day during the week.
Both of my boys are in middle school and start at 8:15.

Next year older DS will be in high school and start at 7:35.

I teach elementary school in the same district and we start at 8:55.
im in college...so 2 days a week i start at 8 and another 2 i start at 145..and fridays im off ...thats the best part of college
DS is in kindergarten...he starts at 8:25 and gets out of school at 3:30.


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