Informations about HRH Deluxe room needed !


Earning My Ears
Feb 26, 2000
Hey folks. I just got my reservation for next november. I book a HRH Deluxe room using an enterteinment card discount (rate $165.50 including the 11% tax). I asked for a king-size bed bedroom. However, I´m just wondering how the room looks like. What king of facilities, is it really large, how it´s look like, what kind of view they have (does anyone have views of the parks ?), if the room service and maid service are bellow, average or above Disney standards, ANY information. Please help !

The room is pretty large. Three people can live in a deluxe comfortably. You can probably sleep six (two on the beds, two on the sofa bed) and still have probably enough room. :)


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."

Yeah, you probably could sleep six, but since fire code says 5, you need to talk to the HRH GM unofficially or as the GM said, no one is going to do a room count or check you everytime going in and out.

Travel Junkie
Thanks for the informations about the size. And how about the facilities, quality of service (when compared to Disney quality of services), etc. Any idea ! I´m specially interested about what kind of view the DELUXE rooms offers, if there´s any Theme Park view rooms ?



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