In room babysitting - Kindercare or Fairygodmothers? Please help!


Aug 10, 2000
It is our first time we are going to use in room babysitting. We are staying at the Boardwalk Villas and have 10year old girl and two boys 8 and 5 years old. We are staying during February and want to go to PI for two nights, staying out late. We have read much material on both babysitting services and are looking for some people who have used them. Thanks for your help!
I have used Kindercare, and was very pleased with both sitters that they sent. I think for the ages of your kids, they might like Michelle. She is a twenty-something, and my little boys loved her. She took them on a walk around the resort, and to the snack bar. Then they watched the fireworks together. I was so happy that they didn't have to just sit in the room. I also made a mistake and gave her a room key that didn't function. She couldn't get back into the room or charge the kids' snacks. I liked the way that she handled the situation--very mature and professional. I'm sorry I don't remember her last name. I have never used Fairy Godmothers, but have heard good things about them.
We used Fairy Godmothers recently and loved them. They send a lovely woman, Vera, who came armed with a large bag of toys. She immediately engaged my daughter (20 months) in play. I was amazed because my daughter had become pretty clingy whenever I left the room. However, she didn't even notice I was gone (the room curtains were open and I peeked when I left). Vera took Jordana to the playground at the resort (All-Star Music) and for long walks around the grounds. My daughter actually cried when Vera left. What I liked about Fairy Godmothers is that all the sitters are mothers or grandmothers, which is not necessarily a requirement with Kindercare. I highly recommend Fairy Godmothers and would use them again.
Just wanted to bump this up to see if it gets more responses. We're thinking about having a sitter during our trip in November. Thanks :)


<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="ff69b4">Jennybºoºbenny</font>
<font color="4169e1">DVC Member: 3/99
Onsite: Poly '76, Contemp '98, BWV '99, CBR '00, BWV '00, CBR '01
Offsite: '74 '80 '82 '88
Next trip: AKL/BWV~June '01, BWV~Nov '01</font>
<a href="">Jillian & Kyle's Disney Character Website</a></font>
We used Kindercare about two weeks ago for my two DD's ages 1 and 3. They sent over an older woman, I believe her name was Joyce. She was very thorough, inquiring about the girls' routines and any medications they were taking. My 3 year old is asthmatic and I was glad that these questions were immediately addressed as a matter of procedure. We were very comfortable with her and would use the service again.
We have used Fairy Godmothers our last 2 trips, for 3 nights the first trip and 2 nights the second trip. Each time we have had the same WONDERFUL woman, Patricia. Our three kids don't have much experience with babysitters other than grandma, so we were apprehensive at first, but after the first night, our kids loved her so much we kept adding nights out!! A big win-win situation for all of us! Patricia came with a big bag of age-appropriate toys and videos.

Making the arrangements went very smoothly. I called Gertrude, the owner of Fairy Godmothers, about 2 months before the trip and gave her our dates and the ages of our lids, and let her know we would like the same person for the (then) 2 nights we wanted. I reconfirmed about a week before the trip, and we agreed I would call her when we arrived at our hotel (a 1br at Boardwalk Villas) and give her our romm phone. The morning of the day we had booked Gertrude called and double checked our times. Patricia showed up right on time and settled right in.

If you have any more questions, feel free to e-mail me.



Brian, Rania and Family
WDW '72 '74 '77 '90
OKW 9/99, OKW 12/99, BWV 5/00, OKW 12/00 and more to come
I utilized Kindercare while staying at the Boardwalk in February of 2000. We tried them on two separate nights. There were three little ones 4,3, and 2. We were satisfied, but not thrilled. The first girl they sent over was kinda strange. The second girl spoke very little english. Both girls had been recently employed by Kindercare. When making a reservation I would in the future ask more questions about who they would be sending. When they arrived they had been trained to ask all the right questions, but personality wise they just did not have that fun babysitter attitude. It was clearly a job to them. When we have traveled to other places in the U.S. we have utilized other in room daycare services and been very pleased. Maybe we just hit it at a bad time. We now utilized the onsite care facilities. For Thanksgiving 2000 we stayed at MOWC and placed our children for an evening in their on-site facility. We were very pleased. Our children had as great of time as we did. We are staying at the Wyndam Palace March, 2001 and will use their on-site facility. Good Luck
My son is profoundly disabled. They sent a lovely lady who was very well educated about his disabilities, and so kind loving and friendly. Peter fell in love with her, she played with him, and fed him( he does not have good feeding skills), and put all of us at ease. I have used them on several occasions, and would not trust anyone else. Gertrude is a GREAT matchmaker, and only employs the best.
We thought everything went okay but I was talking to my 10 year old nephew around Christmastime about going back to Disneyworld again & he said "Okay, but I don't want those babysitters again because they were kinda mean". So I went on to question him & he said that they made them all stay in bed the whole time & wouldn't let them talk. Now, I know a 10 year old's view of having to be quiet could be the difference between screaming lungs out & speaking at a normal level but it made me a little edgy. The way he said that when it all happened a year before made me believe him. He never said anything about it at the time and that is what makes me think they really were mean. Who knows, but the one lady did seem a little cranky when we came home. I doubt I'll ever use them again. :rolleyes: Like I said, it could be an imaginative 10 year old but I just prefer not to take any chances.

"Yeah, they're going to Disney AGAIN...they go like every other day" -- My Teenage Brother

January 00' - Beach Club
September 00' - All Star Movies
March 01' - All Star Movies

:D MoseysMom :D
I have been very hesitant to use in-room because I don't like the fact that I don't know these people. They are stangers and I'm really nervous about that fact. Does anyone else feel this way? I would definitly do one of the clubs, though because I feel there's safety in numbers, meaning that I like the fact that there are many adults around to keep an eye on each other, as well as the kids. :rolleyes:
I can't remember the exact rates but we had 6 kids & 2 adults, it was around $100. I was shocked because she told me the hourly rate on the phone but never mentioned that there was a minimum so after having dinner & strolling downtown disney we came home in 2 hours. They told us there was a 4 hour minimum then! I had to pay for 2 hours we didn't use because we were so pooped at that point we didn't want to go back out. Just remember there is a minimum of 4 hours whether she tells you on the phone or not!

"Yeah, they're going to Disney AGAIN...they go like every other day" -- My Teenage Brother

January 00' - Beach Club
September 00' - All Star Movies
March 01' - All Star Movies

:D MoseysMom :D
When I say "6 kids & 2 adults", I mean 2 sitters came.

"Yeah, they're going to Disney AGAIN...they go like every other day" -- My Teenage Brother

January 00' - Beach Club
September 00' - All Star Movies
March 01' - All Star Movies

:D MoseysMom :D
Do they have a website? or anyone have the phone #? How far in advance do you need to arrange them?
I just called Fairy Godmothers last night. The rate is $12/hour with an extra $12 for travel. There is a four hour minimum. So even if you come back in 3 hours, you still pay $60. I too would like to know if there is a website???? Thanks!
I too am interested in knowing if there is a website. How do we get in touch with Fairy Godmothers or Kindercare there before we leave to make reservations with them for care?

The kinder care info is acutally on this website. Go to the main page and click on child care. Here is the number and some info for Fairy Godmothers:

Fairy Godmothers Babysitting Services
505 Mountain Dr. K

I have searched the web and can find no website for Fairy Godmothers. Please anyone, I would love more info. Thanks,


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