IMPORTANT - Regarding the four "obstructed view" Cat. 6s and Cat. 5s


<font color=darkgreen><i>"It's like Lord of the Fl
Apr 21, 2000
As of today, DCL reclassified those four cabins (and forgive me, I'm on the Wonder now and do not have the stateroom numbers) as Category 7 staterooms. They will be priced accordingly.

Just FYI! :)
Wow! That is pretty neat to be a part of a discussion about a company which then acts on the feedback of the public.
wow this is good news. I sure hope the folks booked in those rooms get a refund if they have already paid in full...
Wow, I don't think this will be the end of what Disney hears about this... they'll be hearing from me later. If I wasn't familiar with stateroom numbers, and booked a cat. 7 (which is a NAVIGATOR'S VERANDA) I would be 20 kinds of ticked off if they put me in a regular, and obstructed, veranda. I would book a nav. veranda even if they were more expensive than a regular one -- it is simply my preference.

Okay, off to give DCL a piece of my mind...

Gina: I'll be interested in how they describe the category 7 now. In the origional discussion, I think I suggested 7N for Navigator Style and or 7M for metal obstruction or metal bottom. If they are in a reclassifying mood, I'd put all the steel bottomed ones in that seperate classification too.

I always liked the ease of their system...1 thru 12. None of this MM and 8XY and 137 different categories the other lines use. But the value of the differences and need for clarity in descriptions seems to be making me think maybe DCL does need a few more than 12.
Please keep us posted. I leave in 6 days and I am in room 6096 and I am curious what kind of verandah I have. Thanks
You should still be able to tell by the room number which it is. IMHO this is a great step, and I'm impressed at the responsiveness of the company. I had been rather disappointed by what appeared disregard for customer concern. Way to go DCL.:cool:
Way to go DCL!!!!!!!

Way to go Howard and Cam!!! If it weren't for you, there would have been alot of disappointed cruisers. Someone who has never cruised may not know the difference, But someone who has had a regular plexi non obstructed verandah and walked into one of those rooms, may have been quite upset, as you know first hand.

Gina...I'm kind of confused, what are you ticked about? If you like a Nav. verandah what does that have to do with the cat. 6 and 7 obstructed?

Please explain

happy for the change, but glad we've moved already
(were 6134 -- now 6652)
was MISERABLE thinking i was paying same Cat 6 $$ as others who had NO obstruction --- resented the 'sneaky-ness' of it ...

somebody must have been listening.

cin in NJ
MAGIC 8/31/02
Happy to hear that this is happening for all future cruisers. It speaks volumes in more than one regard. Let the joyous news be spread.... the obstructed view verandahs are reclassified!!!

Have a wonderful day!

That explains why yesterday when I was doing a booking for someone, my system kept coming up with 7120 as a Cat. 7. Good thing I didn't put them in that one. They'd have been FURIOUS because they want a REAL Navigator Verandah! That is exactly how I feel also. There ARE some of us who PREFER the Navigator Verandah and all that goes with it.

It is <B>GREAT</B> that DCL reclassified the "partially obstructed" verandahs, so that guests know that is what they are getting, but I think it's a <B>bad move</B> to call it a Cat. 7 and they may end up with just as many complaints. :(
Originally posted by Mjasp
Gina...I'm kind of confused, what are you ticked about? If you like a Nav. verandah what does that have to do with the cat. 6 and 7 obstructed?

Please explain

I think what she's ticked about may be what ALL of us who LOVE the Navigator Verandah are ticked about. If DCL calls the reclassified "obstructed views" Cat. 7, and does NOT separate them in category or price from the Cat. 7 Nav., that means if you are booking online or even through a TA, you could end up with one of the reclassified staterooms. What they need to do to make EVERYONE happy is to give it a separate category designation. I am curious what they will do with their next brochure update.
I'm impressed!, at least they are trying and definitely making a move in the right direction. Just hope a note comes up against those room numbers, when booking, as too a better description on the verandah. People with little children or nervous with open/plexiglass verandahs for various reasons could be very upset getting that type verandah!. It is hard to please everyone but it's going in the right direction as far as cost is concerned, and quick too!!. Future brochures will be interesting.
Originally posted by taswira

I think what she's ticked about may be what ALL of us who LOVE the Navigator Verandah are ticked about. If DCL calls the reclassified "obstructed views" Cat. 7, and does NOT separate them in category or price from the Cat. 7 Nav., that means if you are booking online or even through a TA, you could end up with one of the reclassified staterooms. What they need to do to make EVERYONE happy is to give it a separate category designation. I am curious what they will do with their next brochure update.

Perfectly put, I couldn't have said it any better. :) Yes, that is *exactly* what I'm ticked about. If I book a cat. 7, I expect a Navigator's Veranda and nothing else. I don't want a regular veranda, obstructed, unobstructed, or otherwise. I LOVE the Nav. Veranda staterooms for exactly what they are, and what they are ain't an obstructed cat. 5 or 6.

We are lucky and/or smart enough to be here on these DIS boards, and have so much knowledge at our fingertips. What of the people who aren't as informed, and think they are booking one type of stateroom yet get another, and both are classified the same??

It's good that DCL is trying to change things a bit to prevent some problems, but tossing out a half-baked solution (at best) that only causes a new set of problems is inane.

I totally agree about the people who aren't so informed as us DISers. But we seem to be in the minority, as it seems most people count staterooms and such and feel its quite easy to do.

I on the other hand, until reading Howard and Cams thread NEVER thought about counting staterooms from the outside. Maybe DCL will classify them as obstructed, example cat.5Ob and Cat.6OB. with the same price as category 7's. I see other cruise brochures and they state obstructed views.

So DCL if you are listening or reading. We think you should clearly state they are cat. 5 & 6's obstructed and then list category 7's separately.
I guess you can please some people some of the time and other people none of the time.
It's good that DCL is trying to change things a bit to prevent some problems, but tossing out a half-baked solution (at best) that only causes a new set of problems is inane.
What is a company to do? Given the recent events it seems as though they are attempting to please everyone.

Edited for spelling.
I don't know why they can't have a little symbol in their brochure that states that these verandas are obstructed.
Other cruise lines do it and it works out fine. The client knows what they are getting before they book.


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