I'm a DIS Veteran?


<font color=green>Alan, you can run, but you can't
Feb 19, 2002
I see the Tag Demons have been at work :teeth: (Not that I mind, of course)

I'm just curious about what prompted the change? Was it the trip reports which make me a WDW veteran, or something I said on the board to make me more of a DIS veteran?

How does one conjure up the Tag Imps to ask these questions? :p

As Eeyore says "Thanks for noticing me"

Of course references to demons and imps should never be taken as signs of disrespect to Tag Faeries real or implied
I believe you actually reach DIS vetran status once you hit 50 or so posts. The tag fairies did not have anything to do with your tag.

I am sure if you ask nicely though they will bestow upon you a nice little logo!:p

Congrats to almost being at 500! I am sure you will be there in no time with all your trip reports.:)

I thought you knew better, my friend.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.
You become a DIS veteran when you have 75 posts. But now I see you have been tagged. :)
Thanks for the explanation y'all. I had a custom Tag, but it must have been reset accidentally and not by the Tag Dark Angels after all.

That is, until I called attention to myself. :rolleyes:

But I did it on purpose so...


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