If my daughter is scared of loud noises, etc.......


I like being ME
Sep 19, 1999
US and IOA are proably not the places to take her? She is very sensitive to loud noise and I got to thinking after reading that there are a lot of loud attrations? Or am I wrong?................please advise
There are plenty of activities for even the youngest of tikes. Ones without explosions ( & not too scary ) include the entire Fievel/ Curious George/Barney play areas ; E.T.- but it is a little dark in there ; Nickleodeon tour ; Animal Actors Show at Universal Studios.
At Islands of Adventure: All of Dr. Seuss island ; Jurassic Discovery Center ; Toon Lagoon- has Popeyes' ship for a play area.
There's more, just can't remember all now. Look for other posts here to discover even more things that are age-appropriate for kids ( And don't go Boom! )
My daughter is 12...see just is very sensitive of loud noises.......even when sitting in the back row of Fantasmic at MGM she plugs her ears..........
I had a friend with Ultrasonic hearing. No joke - he could hear the dog's training whistle, which we verified by blowing from another room. He'd scream. His parents discovered it when in a museum he could hear some motion? sensor or whatever. Just making the point, she may have a physical sensitivity or an emotional one. Dont rule either out.
Like another said, there are a number or tamer rides, but, I went last year with little cousins, and you can get very frustrated walking up to the front of a line and after 20 mintues, having to escort a little girl back to the benches.
You might also consider buying Ear Plugs. I found a Kit at Kmart ( I hate ringing noises). The kit had numereous types of plugs, and some block high noises, and others low, others block bursts, and others block all noises equally. North Consumer Products, Model 55000 has 4 types. or, try wherever they sell firearms.
She may truly need it, regardless of the cause. A magic bean, a smile, and a pat on the back might do the trick. My mother used guilt, also effective.
When we took our grandsons in 1999, I prepared for months. We were spending so much money and coming from so far, I wanted to be sure we could go on as many rides etc as possible. I bought both the Universal Studios videos (Orlando and Florida) so they would understand that Kong and Jaws were just pretend. I had little lights for them incase they got scared on dark rides, I even got little light weight blankets for them to hide under if it got too scarey...boy was I prepared. But what I did not expect and what almost ruined it all for the 3.5 year old, was the loudness of it all. Every single show was too loud. And every ride except in Seussland had at least one point of being too loud.

I agree with the above poster, get ear plugs. I didn't have any, but got some cotton for DGS ears and he (and his doting grandma) were much happier. If we take them again, I will get him ear plugs. :)

I was just thinking 2 things. First, I know some kids who jump with loud noises, but like it anyway, "Do it again, do it again." But I wanted to clarify the burst ear plugs. They have a hole in them, and some sort of diaphragm. Low decibel noises pass through without alteration. If a loud burst starts, the diaphragm engages and suppresses the noise. I like those very much, because you can hear a normal conversation on the tv, for example but, in my test, I would clap hard and I could only hear a tap. They are really impressive. These types of plugs are hard, not soft, so make sure you buy small ones for a kid!
Hey, I'm in this position also. I hate loud noises. I usually carry a pair of earphones (like airline controllers or gun shooters use) with me and whenever there's an attraction that has loud noises in it, I wear them. As for darkness and stuff like that, I can't really help you with that.


Also an Universal Studios and Disney fan!!!
Gretel, My 11 year old son has the same problem! I plan on getting him earplugs, telling him when A ride is loud, and letting him decide. He would be happy to go on the water rides all day anyway which would be fine with me.
Even though it's one of my favorite attractions, you might want to skip Terminator 2 at Universal Studios and the special effects show at IOA (the name escapes me now). Both are very loud.


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