If I am not going to disney this year, should I still buy the disney club card?


DIS Veteran
Apr 11, 2000
My next trip to disney won't be until 2002. Should I buy the disney club for this year? I doubt I will spend enough to cover the $30 price at the disney store, since they only give you %10 discount. That means I would have to spend over $300 to make out. Are there any other reasons/discounts that I can use the card. Thanks!!!
go to the disneyclub website. www.disneyclub.com the program is outlined there. There are other discounts available.
After you read the outlined benefits, you will be better able to decide.


Offsite - 88
CBR - 89 & 90
PO - 91
OKW-92,OKW-93,OKW-96, OKW-97 2X'S,OKW-98 2X's
OKW-99 2X'S,OKW-00 2X's
Jamaica-SandalsInn 98&00

I'm not sure about the dc but you may want to purchase your park tickets early. Park hopper passes never expire so you can buy them at this years price but not use them until next year and save some $$$
there are other travel discounts besides Disney. if you travel and use motel rooms then you could definately recoup the $30.!!!! Plus the food discounts!



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