ideas for SB party?


Jul 25, 2000
Since my DH has been out of work since August, I have had to amend my daughter's 7th birthday scrapbook party plans. We were going to have it at our local Scrapbook Station, but it seems like so much money. I'm now planning it at home. Any ideas for a cake? Easy, please. I'm not too good at cake decorating.

My older daughter and her friend are also going to help me the day of the party. I will ask the girls to bring acouple of photos from home. Each girl can do a page. My DD and I will be purchasing some stickers and die cuts before the party. [She was pretty disappointed about having it at home, but I bribed her with some new SB supplies.] I already have so many scissors andpunches.

We also have a sticker camera. The stickers are tiny, but are Polaroid and develope in a minute. I thought each girl could make a bookmark with their own picture on it.

I'm planning to adapt some tried and true games to the scrapbook theme. Any ideas would be great. Thanks so much for any ideas you guys have.:earsgirl:
What a fantastic idea. I'll have to think about some ideas for you. :)
That is such a good idea !!

Here are some thoughts I had after reading your post....

* Make up punchie packs for their goodie bags...... stickers too..... split up the sheers so they have some of everything!
* For a cake.... make anything and wash some supplies and place them in the cake....

Don't forget to take lots of pictures of the kids scapping !!

HAVE FUN !!!!!
For a game you could do the old wedding/baby shower one with a tray of scrapping supplies and you have everybody look at it and then take one item away and they have to guess which one you took away.


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