ID tags for kids??


DIS Veteran
Jun 25, 2000
Hi, my sister is taking her 3 1/2 yr old twins b/g to WDW for the 1st time in two weeks ( grandparents and I are tagging along, too). She got them ID bracelets and we were wondering what should be put on them besides the obvious. Their name, hotel name, parent's cell phone # and what else?? Thanks for any ideas.

:bounce: :bounce:
I would make sure that the information was not obvious to a casual walker-by - unfortunately even at a wonderful place like WDW, you have to be careful about someone using that information to lure your child away - and since they would know the child's name, it would be easier for them. I made a shirt for my daughter when she was young and painted her name up the sleeve and had a policewoman stop me and tell me what a terrible idea that was - the thought had never crossed my mind that someone could use that information to try to take her away!

Perhaps the information could be pinned inside their clothing?
We've used dog tags for our last couple of trips. Put the info you need on it and have the kids wear them inside their shirts on a chain. My youngest DD (2 1/2) had hers attached to her shoelaces. She did great with it and you couldn't read it from a distance.

Thanks for the replies. The ids my sister has for her kids look like sweatbands with the information inside a waterproof sleeve. I believe she got the link from this board. any other suggestions re: info to include? Thanks.
Do any of the kids have any allergies? Medicine or food ? Just a thought..:)

Judi in NH
I made a page of labels off the computer and stuck it in their shoes. Even my older 2, age 7 and 9 don't have our cell phone number memorized or would know the phone number where we are staying. If they get lost, they can just take off the shoe and give it to a CM, even my 3 year old would know to check her shoe if she gets "lost".
We also did the dog tag idea. We put them on thier shoelaces near the toe of the shoe. They were upside down and could not be read by casual glance. It makes for a great treasure after your trip. We did not include cell phone info for that reason. We felt the employees of Disney must have a network set up they use to find and reunite kids and parents. The tags can be gotten at walmart for 5.00 from a vending machine.
I made my kids some ID cards (AVERY makes them for inkjet and laser computers) We decorated them with disney designs and put there names hotel names ages and phone to the hotel on them. They were able to put them in there backpacks and no one knew they were there but the kids. They are 6 and 4 and seemed to like having their own Disney Licences

I also cut out a small pic of each of them an had that on the cards as well


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