ID kids/plane


Earning My Ears
Jun 4, 2001
My children are 4 and 7. Will copies of their birth certificates be enough, or should I bring originals?

We just returned and remember United announcing that everyone 18 and over must have an ID. I never saw them ask for any document for the kids. When we take our 8 year old grandson, he has his own MVA Picture ID. This is something he carries with him on every trip to WDW with us. The airline folks are always surprised to see him with his own ID, plus, since he's an AP holder, it's always good in case there is any question. It only cost $10 at our MVA and makes him feel special. Also, since we're not his parents, we always prefer that he have some type of identification. I think birth certificates should be fine and would be peace of mind for you.
We flew last month and they didn't require any ID for our 5 year old or 6 month old.... They never have in the past either. They usually only expect a photo ID for people 18 and over. If you want to bring a copy of the kid's Birth Certificates you could. I, personally, would not bring the originals.. If you really are concerned about this, I would suggest calling the airline and asking them if you need ID for your children...
My 15 year old DD didn't need an ID when we went in March and April. They would just ask her how old she was.
No ID was required for my 13yo nephew in July. We had a copy of his birth certificate just in case but it wasn't needed
We fly quite frequently with our 5 yr old and never once has anyone asked for id, even though I have always carried copies of her BC just in case. (The exception is when we leave the country). We are leaving in a few days and I've decided to bag even the copies.....


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