I wanna go to the MG meet!!!!!


Aug 13, 2000
I tend to lurk here... but have to say...I am so jealous of those going to this meet!!!!! At times like this, I wish I lived in Florida.

Maybe we should have an online "stay-at-home-because-I-don't-have-vacation-or-money-meet"!
I am WITH you, lagasan!! IwannagoTOO!! We need to also have a meet of "staying-at-home-because-I-just-got-back-and-my-credit-card's-exhausted" people like ME! :D

I really hope they have a great time but I can't help but think what a GREAT time I'd have if I was there. I've met some of the people on this board and they're ALL unbelievable people. I've never met Molokai Gram but I really feel like I've known her for years. She sent me a box of Hawaiian chocolates and pamphlets about her home and my favorite, a bracelet that says "Mother of Michael" in Hawaiian! :earseek: And you wonder WHY I want to meet a woman like that?

I hope they take lots of pictures so we'll at least FEEL like we were there. :(
I am with you guys, I am so jealous that I cant make this meet. I seem to be off schedule with everyone on this board. Oh well........One of these days.......

Hey all;
I leave in exactly (24) hours for MG Con (oh, and my business trip). I went out yesterday and bought a brand-new 64-meg flash card for my digital. With my old cards, that means I can take over 200 high-resolution pics of the group on Sunday. I promise to download them here as quickly as I can when I get back Tuesday.
Dave,,thanks in advance for the photos,,,,but I wanna go to!! Boy, if my kids heard me whining like that,,,,,I would never hear the end of it!

JW :o
Rub it IN, Dave!! I guess now you'll be replacing Tigger's picture with you to a pic of you with 10 tipsy MG-Con'ers! :bounce:

Looking forward to the pictures!
Originally posted by pathubia
I am with you guys, I am so jealous that I cant make this meet. I seem to be off schedule with everyone on this board. Oh well........One of these days.......


Patty did i miss something, This board has a schedule?????:D
Hey Dave where were you, did tigger decide not to let you go into a universal park:confused: :D
Hey!! I was there. Unfortunately, I didn't find anybody else. I got there so early, the parking garages weren't even open yet. I waited there about (30) minutes and then was the first on line for the ticket booths at IOA, whch also were not open yet. Once I got my ticket, I was about (20) people from the front of the line at the gate. I kept looking around for some sign of the MG Con folks, but never saw anybody I could connect with the group. I spent from 8:50 - 1:00 in IOA, then went to USF from 1:00 until close at 7:00. Had lunch at 11:00 at Mythos (which was very good) and dinner after closing at NASCAR. Took a ton of pics which I will try to post to a different thread when I can.
Sorry I missed you all.


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