I love DCL but...


DIS Veteran
May 7, 2006
I can't stand to be bothered by Shutters photographers when I'm enjoying a nice dinner. This has gotten out of control. I have no problem telling them to go on as I'm in the middle of my dinner.
I can't stand to be bothered by Shutters photographers when I'm enjoying a nice dinner. This has gotten out of control. I have no problem telling them to go on as I'm in the middle of my dinner.

Just speak to your head server, and they will not come to your table.

Once is all it takes.. ;)
Sutters is coming to the tables now!:scared:

Maybe out of the romote chance of me being able to review the pictures from my stateroom with something like photopass I might not mind, but there is no way I am going to hunt through 1000 pictures looking for me eating dinner.
I am not a fan of that either, but I must say it was MUCH worse on Princess then an DCL. Every meal, every restaurant, every night. By the 3rd night, they realized we were uninterested, but they pressed on.:sad2:
Huh, this was almost a year ago now, but we NEVER had photographers come up to us at dinner on our Wonder cruise last year.

Edit: also, we're two adults in our mid 20s with no kids, so maybe that was it?
We were approached once at dinner last August, but politely declined and they never came back. In fact that was the ONLY time they tried to take a photo at all of us. They did corner my daughter at CC, though and were a bit demanding about her letting them take a picture. I was trying very hard to not buy photos, but I did have to buy that one because it was rather good. :)
They did this every night on the Wonder in Feb. And every night we told them no (photos at the dinner table, huh?) and they were always very pushy so we'd say just the kids. So the kids got photographed each night. I hated being bothered by them at dinner. I got approached at CC while in the water with my dd, and I was thinking seriously, like I want a photo of myself in a swimsuit, and even more horrific like I want that photo up on the wall for everyone to see in the gallery!! They took one anyway even though I said no so I went for it that night and promptly threw it away. Talk about a self conscious woman's nightmare....
I just got back, and our picture was taken at dinner every night.
On our Freedom of the Seas,

Those pictures they took at dinner are on my walls right now. Individuals, of my three kids. They were adorable, I was glad they took them. As are the ones taken of my sons on the Flowrider!

On Disney,

The one at Palo with my DH and I is also on my wall. So are the ones taken of my kids at Castaway Cay and many port pictures. My favorite one is with the sting rays (non DCL).

I say take away..... now I look at them and I was much skinnier than I am now..... and I thought THEN I looked horrible! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Oh wow, I'm totally opposite of this. See, thing is....I'm a scrapbooker and I like to scrapbook just about everything. LOL

I was actually a bit disappointed that they didn't come around more than they did. We just went back in April and I thought they would be there each night at dinner. But we only saw them on Formal Night (at Lumiere's) and Pirate Night (at Parrot Cay). Mind you I did buy each one. And of course I have scrapbooked each one. But I wanted to get a page done of us at dinner each night. Weird I know, but unless you're a scrapbooker, I don't think you'd understand. LOL :rotfl:
We've yet to be on a cruise where they take pictures during every dinner and hopefully will never be faced with that problem and hopefully never will be. To me taking pictures at dinner unless specifically asked to do so is very obtrusive and rude and getting pushy about it is just ridiculous. Of course my wife and I are photographers and we'd rather take our own photos and really don't care about pictures of ourselves, we'd rather take pictures of where we were in what was there. Local people and scenery always make for better pictures. If we really want pictures of ourselves I'd much rather have some one take it using my equipment so I have the original work with so I can crop it, enhance it etc.
I don't mind if they take the pictures as long as I don't have to get out of my seat to make a "group shot" with my family members. And much of the time we're missing at least one family member from the table by the time the photographer arrived, so we just declined and they went on.

As for the CC ones, I don't mind that - especially since our last trip we forgot to take the camera off ship with us that day and didn't want to go back onboard to get it. I didn't buy any but it was nice to look at them.
As soon as I board, I'm already telling them that I'm not interested. I do not have my picture taken on boarding. I tell them, "Save your time and your film, I do not buy pictures."

Works for me! :)
I didn't mind and actually appreciated DCL taking my picture during dinner. Since I don't really want to spend my time waiting in line to get a group photo this was the perfect opportunity and I got an awesome family picture. It also helped that they took the pictures early in the seating. It wasn't like we were in the middle of our dinners. We were just sitting there chatting anyway.
I got approached at CC while in the water with my dd, and I was thinking seriously, like I want a photo of myself in a swimsuit, and even more horrific like I want that photo up on the wall for everyone to see in the gallery!! They took one anyway even though I said no so I went for it that night and promptly threw it away. Talk about a self conscious woman's nightmare....

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: My feelings exactly!!
We have been cruising DCL (not as long as some of you) but since 2002. Every cruise, they have come to our table at least 2 nights of every cruise and I have to say, we :love: it. Those are the pictures we usually buy. :thumbsup2 Now we are the people that obey the dress code to the Nth degree when we are there. For formal night we do formal. For Semi-Formal, we just bring it down a notch. For the other days we go back to the SR and actually get dressed for our dinner and show. So it ends up being a part of the cruise where we actally looked good and not like "Castaways". We are usually having good hair times and I go and do my makeup & hair for dinner. So I like the photos. Some of the best pictures we have ever taken. More natural and non-staged. I guess to each it's own; but the show and dinner is a BIG part of our trip. We usually travel with a group of other friends and family (I always convience a group to come along) and it is the ONE time of the day we actually get together. :idea: If you do not like it, just speak to the head server. They will leave you alone because they do not want to waste time or money for people who will not buy the photo anyway.:goodvibes
For the pictures they take I wish you could get the digital original so you could crop, edit, etc. as we see fit instead of being stuck with what they want. I know they think they make more by selling pictures but they probably would do just as well just selling the originals with an option of prints if someone wanted them.

Because of this issue (and several others) we normally don't buy many/any of the pictures taken on board.
I was actually disappointed that I didn't see Shutter's at meal times. I never got a picture of my party at Animators Palate. In fact, except for Pirate night and our second night at Parrot Cay I never even saw the photographers in the restaurants.
While I'm not that fond of the pics during dinner, we usually do take at least one. We've always been able to just say No Thanks, and that was the end of that.

Now, on CC, it's a different story. I'm always grabbing the photographers that walk around to get candid shots of DD on the beach or in the water. Their cameras just do a much better job than mine. Those are gorgeous pictures, especially with the ship in the background. Except when DD's eyes are closed, which is 75% of the time :confused3 .

But I do decline to allow them to take pics of ME, standing there in my swimsuit. And if they do anyway, I head to Shutters ASAP to pull those pics off the wall!
So you can just say no and they leave you alone right? Dh and I are cruising sans kiddos and will only buy one photo for the entire trip. I am only interested in a formal night picture. Is it easy to avoid them otherwise?



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