I Just wanted to let everyone know what a cool guy MIB is!!


May 27, 2001
Hi everyone

Its been more than a month :( since our trip to Universal and we had great great time and thanks to MIB for going the extra mile to complete our Universal/IOA adventure!....He is a great guy!!!!!!!!!!!

:bounce: :smooth: :bounce: :cool: :bounce: :)

P.S. Thank you Earl for offering to help with the Photo Album!!!:)
Anyone who wears a tye-die Spidey shirt can't be a bad guy!
thanks to MIB for going the extra mile to complete our Universal/IOA adventure!....He is a great guy!!!!!!!!!!!

Great...now we can nickname his head, Wilson, and he'll need an extra seat for it at Mythos!!!:rolleyes:

He IS a great guy...but he doesn't want the word to get out! ;)

Now...what exactly did he DO??? :smooth:

I find him a tad bit mean myself. ;)
But really I'm sure he's a nice guy.
Don't tell anybody, but I described him like this to a fellow Moderator of mine (not Barry)

ExTREMELY charismatic guy. The kind of guy you can fall in love with...

Now if I said that about anyone EXCEPT spidey, that's one heck of a compliment!!:D
Originally posted by Robinrs
Don't tell anybody, but I described him like this to a fellow Moderator of mine (not Barry)
ExTREMELY charismatic guy. The kind of guy you can fall in love with...
Now if I said that about anyone EXCEPT spidey, that's one heck of a compliment!!:D

What are we calling his extra head?
You are talking about the same guy that wanted to make sure when I'm in MIB that it keeps spinning, right?;)
I said he was charismatic, but he's still EVIL....
Originally posted by Robinrs
I said he was charismatic, but he's still EVIL....

Okay that's better
you're not serious about MIB being a cool guy are you? LOL

Anyone who would put up with my DS all day is a saint in my book :D
Saint MIB and Saint MsDisney... how does that sound?
LOL you guys are great. I am still scretely hoping DH finds a job down there. Can you imagine your boys (MsDisney) and my DS spending all day riding MIB (the ride LOL) with MIB.

MIB you just have to adopt my DS and my niece that is all there is to it.
St. MIB???????????
Let's throw in my 5 year old son & we'll see if he's really a saint!
Can you imagine your boys (MsDisney) and my DS spending all day riding MIB (the ride LOL) with MIB.

Well actually, it would be great to send them packing over to Back to the Future or Curious George...frankly, my kids don't have the staying power that I do riding MIB!

I think the two older ones could keep up for a while...but Thing 2 needs help in order for his interest to be held for long on it! (he doesn't do all that well, so it's not as fun, I don't think)

Good luck with the job hunting...heck, didn't anybody learn anything from MY example? My husband will be leaving his job of 29 years to simply follow us down...LOL he's got nothing lined up! We'll be poor, but happy here in Florida! :D

Saint??? I had to pick myself up off of the floor when I read that...for neither of us are anywhere NEAR sainthood, and probably never will be!!! LOL
well MsDis has already weighed in on the subject and i have to concur.

sainthood is not my thing and frankly neither are kids. as long as we are having fun no problem but if CPM is refering to what i think she is. Then she would be correct. patience with kids is not on my active list or on my list of things to do.

Louuise1928 you are more than welcome.

MsDis and MIB999999 live close so it makes it easy for us to do some extra things that help provide updated info. if we can help we will.
sainthood is not my thing and frankly neither are kids. as long as we are having fun no problem but if CPM is refering to what i think she is. Then she would be correct. patience with kids is not on my active list or on my list of things to do.

Yes...as recently as today (yesterday according to the clock :rolleyes: ), he tried to STEP ON my youngest son....Sure...I asked him to, but he was just a little TOO willing to do it!!! :confused:

Other than those not so subtle hints...you would never guess!

Karen :D
Originally posted by Robinrs
I said he was charismatic, but he's still EVIL....

thank you robin, until you made the clairification, i was sure you and eloise1928 were going to ruin my reputation. :smooth:


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