I just paid my deposit!!!


<font color="navy">If you don't let your dog poop
Oct 18, 2000
I just faxed the info for our room deposit. Now all I have left is one more park hopper and paying off the rest of the room!!!! This is going to be our first trip, and I can't believe that it is actually all falling together! Oh, I wish November would hurry up and get here!! :D
the planning and anticipation is half the fun! Enjoy reading the boards and the days really will pass quickly! We are going back in March and I am counting! Happy planning.
I know what you mean... I just confirmed my ressie yesterday. I wasn't really excited until I did that...

I also can't wait.. Going in March.. woo hoo

I'm going in May and finally made my deposit at Christmas time. I was hemming and hawning since my first visit last July. The planning is so much fun. More things left to do like airfare, what resturants for ps seating, tours, and just what to do everyday.

Have a ball with the planning. Your visit will be super.

I am having a ball planning the trip. Having never been there before, it is all so new. I find out something new every day. The only drawback is that the trip is a birthday surprise for my daughter, so I it is all hush hush here, and I want to scream from the roof top "I'M GOING TO DISNEY!!!!!" :D


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