I Got My PinSwap Pin! ~Started by Slimplaw


Apr 23, 2000
Subject: Yippee!!! Pin swap came today
Author: slimplaw
Date Posted: 04-13-01
I just got my mail and received an adorable Hunchback pin from SugarAnne. Thanks so much, SugarAnne.

Author: Sugar Anne
Date Posted: 04-13-01
Your welcome slimpaw. Happy to be a part of this. Peggy Anne

Author: Humpbacks1962
Date Posted: 04-14-01
Already? I thought we had to mail them on Wednesday.



Subject: Don't worry!
Author: ~Kathie
Date Posted: 04-14-01
Some people didn't see Peggie's post and mailed their pins out as soon as they got the email from her. I sent mine out today wanting to avoid the craziness at the PO on Monday. _TODAY_ was bad. Guess no one in my town wants to be at the PO on Monday either.

I think as long as you mail it out by Wednesday you'll be fine.


Author: beachbunny
Date Posted: 04-16-01
What a great tax day surprise! I just got my pin swap. Thank you Bridegirl for the pins!!! Totally adorable Goofy and Donald/Daisy Valentine's pins.

Subject: Pin Swap Arrived Today
Author: yogitxtx
Date Posted: 04-16-01
Got a great Goofy pin from Robin (perndwler) today. Thanks so much. It's a Goofy I didn't have!! I love it. Sandy (yogitxtx)

Subject: my swap arrived! my swap arrived!
Author: tigger2esq
Date Posted: 04-16-01
I got home today to a TON of mail and the LBE was burried near the bottom. Boy was I excited when I got to it to find the WDW 25th Anniversary Cinderella's Coach and Castle pin from Keith (Goofster57). I was sooo excited as this was a biggie on my "wants" list!!! Thanks Keith for the wonderful swap!

Off Property: '76, '83,
'86, '88, '93, '96, '99, '00
Port Orleans: '98
Cruise (Big Red Boat): '85
Disneyland: June '01!!!
All Star Pop Century
Resort: New Years Eve
2001-02 through Marathon
Weekend 2002!!!!!

Author: Mickey527
Date Posted: 04-16-01
13 hours at work all alone, not even a secretary showed up to help. It was like a day at WDW without being able to buy one pin.
I diagnosed a meningitis. She is now in the hospital in isolation.
So imagine how happy I was when I came home to a LBE. Thank you so much Cathy C for the Minnie and Mickey on the Toontown trolley from DL. I love it. Another great Mickey to add to my collection, and the timing was perfect. Peggie

Subject: My Pin swap came today all the way from Germany
Author: ~Kathie
Date Posted: 04-17-01
Thank you to Megaelch (Stephan) for the Beauty & the Beast German Broadway Pin, the Kodak EuroDisney Mickey MK Pin, and a very interesting Hunchback pin I have never seen before...it Pin Pics #594 and is German. They are all wonderful. Thank you so much for helping me add to my collection.


Subject: Thank You, Debbie (from Canada)!
Author: Eeyore's Pal
Date Posted: 04-17-01
I see this LWE (_Canadian translation of LBE_) in my mailbox from Canada and I'm totally confused. I couldn't remember any trades with someone in Canada.

But then there's Debbie's note and Pooh with Halloween pumpkin and . . . then I know it's my pin swap! Yeah!

Thank you, Debbie! This is another one of those pins I walked right by last October in WDW, never dreaming I was about to become an avid collector.


Author: Humpbacks1962
Date Posted: 04-17-01
Just mailed mine today. I was really pushing myself. I have the most awful, nastiest case of bronchitis, but in an hour of "strength", I just went to the PO so it would not arrive later than expected.

Just after I wrapped the package and wrote the address, I realized it is going to a warm state. Oh darn, and there were some little candy stuffed eggs inside too! You have to guess which one has the little surprise.

I wrapped the edges of the plastic eggs with tape, and think the pin should be OK. If it arrives all covered in candy, please contact me!

Big time DUH



Author: Cherry
Date Posted: 04-17-01
My pin swap pin arrived today from Cynthia (Jojoct) in Connecticut. She sent the Pisces POM and that was one I didn't have and really wanted! Thanks so much, Cynthia, for the great addition to my collection. It's kind of a dreary, rainy cold day here today, and that LBE really brightened the day.

Cherry/Member Pin Survivor Cheerleading Squad


Subject: Me too, Me too!!
Author: Eeyore64
Date Posted: 04-17-01
My pin swap package came today too! In there was an adorable Eeyore which you all know I'll love AND a MVMCP Pin-- I was shocked!! I didn't get to go this past year and missed out on the pin!!
Thank you so much Mary Jo!! And thank you also for the wonderful note you included!! I'm only a state away from Cherry and we also have the COLD rainy yukky day too! You sure brightened it up for me

Subject: I am thrilled!
Author: Barb
Date Posted: 04-18-01
I recieved my pin swap, too! It's from Eeyore64 and it's the Pisces POM! It's absolutely perfect! You must have peeked at my profile to know I'm a Pisces! Thank you so much!!!

Barb-for Real!


Author: pins4nan
Date Posted: 04-18-01
My LBE came yesterday!! What a nice surprise package. Thank you so much Michelle & Iris M. of LaPorte, IN. The Tink pin and the 102 Dalmatians pins will always remind me of you and your generosity. (Please send me your email so I can thank you personally.) As a relative newbie to pin collecting, I'd like to say that this is really a very neat way to acquire pins and meet people. Count me in for the next pin swap!

Author: Iris
Date Posted: 04-18-01
So glad you were pleased. My daughter picked out the pins herself as this was her very first pin swap. She was so excited about it.


Author: SnoWhite
Date Posted: 04-18-01
Sean got his pin swap pin today but I have already stolen it from him! He wanted me to thank Sandy! Sandy, thank you from both Sean and I, I LOVE the tokyo Fun and Fancy Free pin.

Lisa & Sean


Subject: Thank you Stephanie....
Author: DizkneeDenna
Date Posted: 04-18-01
My LBE came today!! I was the pin swap partner of Iris' other daughter Stephanie! The Fun & Fancy Free Mickey pin and the 102 Dalmatians pins are just perfect. Did you peek at my PicPics?

I am a CastMember at one of the Disney Store's in Richmond, VA. I have recently started collecting Disney Store pins so the DS Dalamation is just perfect. Our store did not get these! And of course Mickey is my favorite so I just love him! Thanks again!!


Author: Iris
Date Posted: 04-18-01
Glad you liked your pins as well. We did try to find something you were looking for and you were the only one of our three swaps that had a list. I hope it was something you were still needing. She had a lot of fun with this. We are looking forward for their pins to arrive. They are ready to put their new pins in their pin bags.


Author: Parkhopper
Date Posted: 04-18-01
Got my pin swap pin today from none other than Arizona Jeff himself. Thank you for the Pooh St.Patricks day pin! You completed quite a challenge there finding a pin that we didn't have in our collection without the help of pinpics (we haven't taken the time to set things up there) or any other source. Thank you very much

Thank you brimel!

brimel (Steve) sent me two wonderful pins:
Goofy's Glider from the Nostalgia series and DL Graduation Minnie.

Both hit the spot since Goofy happens to be my son's fav character and our family made our first visit to Disneyland just last summer.

Thanks Steve!

Mickay (Kathy)



Hey Barb
I'm glad you liked the pin and as for your birthday.... well, I guess the "Birthday Fairy" clued me in!!

Thanks a million zillion to Bonnie (bekeating) for the WDW Pin Trading Station pin! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it

I am doing the happy pin waddle bounce dance, um, as good as a six month pregnant woman can



I got my Pin Swap pin today! It had a cool Maleficent card inside from Christine (ttfn2). She sent me the August birthstone Minnie Mouse pin that I wanted. I love it because it is so sparkly!
Thank you very very much!

Princess Emily


Chip and Dale

What a nice surprise--finding 2, not just one, of those LBE's in your mailbox after a long day at work!!
Anyway, many thanks to Beauty LLM for the "very cool" Skyway slider pin-- you gotta love those action pins! Hope Disney brings us more.

And...special thanks to Mousears for the Mad Tea Party pin with its beautiful colors and incredible characters. I think this is one we needed to complete the MK map set.

Sincere thanks and best wishes from both of us!


Thank you Lauren! (pixiedusting) The Chip & Dale acorn pin and Chip & Dale Grand Californian breakfest button are great additions to my growing Chip & Dale collection!


I got my pin swap pin from Tom aka Chip and Dale. It is a very cool Goofy pin in an Easter Bunny outfit. Thank you very much.


A great big thanks is in order to Karinmac, aka Karin, for sending me the Pirates map pin from DL!! What a great pin! Now, should I put it my DL pins, or start a new page for Pirates pins....another set maybe ??
Thanks again Karin!!



My daughter's pin swaps arrived. Michelle received the Easter Goofy pin from Disneyland from Diane (chip and Dale) and Stephanie received a Cinderella from Hailey (daughter of sshd). They are going to love these pins. I can't wait to see their faces when they get home from school to find new pins for their pins bags. Thank you both so very much. This is so much fun.



I got my pin swap pin today from Daber. I got the 3 caballeros 55th birthday pin. This is a pin I wanted for my husband and it will go in his envelope of pins that I am hiding until his birthday in June. It will go perfect on his Donald Duck page. Thanks again.



Many thanks to Heather {aka "FFGirl} for the wonderful Spring Break 2001 pin. This is one pin I didn't have, and {since I've slowed down on my buying} it's hard for me to get the newer pins.
Thanks so much, it's a great pin, the pics don't really do it justice!
Now my dilemma is that I want to wear it, but don't want to take it out of its mint plastic bag .
Keep pinnin',
PS - I rrrrrrrrreaaaalllllly needed to find one of those LBEs in my mailbox today. Thanks for setting this up. Peggie, & also thanks to everyone who participated.
*UPDATE*...I just couldn't stand it, I went ahead & opened the little plastic bag & put that great pin right on


My thanks to HOPEMAX (board handle).
You guys and gals on the board know that I am not a trader(gonna start at DIZ this May) and some know Definition in Pins is my style.

Well the Ostrich Ballerina that I received from my pin buddy (Hope Maxwell) really jumps out at you.

You know this Baby is gonna go on "THE HAT", but I am placing it right on the front brim, to show case it.

All of the pins that I have received in the Pin Swaps are on "THE HAT"---but this one is gonna be right up in the front. Thanks again Hope, you have made my day.
Your Pin Buddy, john59


Thank you so much Pam P. (don't know board handle) I just love the silver and black Mickey pin. I just missed this a couple of months ago from a CM trade and haven't seen one since. Now I can add this to my keeper page in my book. Thanks again!!



I received my pin swap pin today from Tiggersmom (Lisa). Thanks so much for the 'Continuing the Tradition' pin - it went right into one of our display cases!


Thank you so much Lauri aka Mean Laureen for sending me a fantastic pin. I do not think you are mean at all. Lauri sent me the Pisces Cleo LE WDW POM it was on my list of wants and is my favorite pin of that series so far even though I am a Scorpio. Thanks again Lauri for a fantastic pin.

Jared Whorton via Gigi Mercer sent me Mr. Toad from the Artist's Choice serice. I can't believe not only how great a pin it is, but signed too! Again, thanks so much.
Now that I have two in this series, I have to go find the rest... The hunt is on!



I got my pin swap today from Buzz_Lightyear otherwise known as Dean. Was the Tigger Spring pin thanks so much it completed my collection of the four seasons.... Awesume


Thanks so much, Agnes! I got my pin swap today!
I received three great pins -- darling Pooh and Tigger pins plus a surprise, the Millennium Mickey Spinner pin from the Disney Store. I love them all! You definitely made my day!
Mary Jo



Thanks to Krista, daughter of MickeysMom, for my pin swap! I got the DCA Easter pin! I didn't have this one and it will look great in my pin book next to my WDW Easter pin, since they both are hinged and open to show what's inside! I don't have a two-park pass, so I don't get in to DCA and didn't have much of a chance to get this one!
Thanks Krista (and mom!)!


I arrived home late yesterday from WDW and what was waiting for me but a wonderful LBE. Thank you Iris for the Tokyo Disney Bon Voyage pin and the bonus 102 Dalmatians pin. You and your daughters picked great pins for all the recipients. Thanks again!



I got the COOLEST pinswap buddy! In addition to a great pin that Brian (Brimel's 7 yr old DS) sent me, he sent me the COOLEST picture notecard that he drew himself!!! He really is quite a talented artist!!
Thank you so much Brian! The pin goes right into my collection and the picture will be hung up on my computer desk!!




Thank you Sean (Snowhite's son)- I received it on Wednsday & love the Dumbo.


Received my pin swap yesterday, it's the pewter castle pin from WDW. Thank you Geri, I really do love it.



Geri, Not my son, my boyfriend, but I got a good laugh out of that one since he does sometimes act like a child.
Glad you liked the Dumbo!
Lisa & Sean



Stacey (sshd)loved my Eeyore and Pooh pins. They will be great additions to my collection. Loved the fact that you took time to find out what characters I really like.
Peggy so glad that you liked your Mickey and Minnie on the Toontown Trolley. It was my pleasure to send it to you.



my pin came today!!!!! thank you soooooooooo much mickeysmom and caleb for the dca easter hinged pin....i collect all holidays and being in ohio, it's tough to get anything from cali!!!! thanks again sooo much.....i love it!!!!



I got my too cool pin swap pin on Saturday! It's the Pin Station pin from DTD Marketplace! Thanks Lori (Tinkerbel129)!!! I love it!


I got mine too !!! Thanks to Dizneepintrader for the "My First Mickey"...It was one that we'd been wanting and had never gotten around to getting, and is definitely a keeper !!! Thanks again...



wvrevy, I'm glad you like it!



Yeah! It came! Thank you so much Vince (Parkhopper) for the Train Station slider pin I love it and it was one I was looking for when at WDW this weekend and could not find. I already put it on my special pins page of my collection book.
Thanks so much you have made my DAY!

I haven't gotten mine. Perndwlr was my secret swap and I got hers out a bit too early, so I know it probably just "seems" like it's been a long time.



Danielle got her pin swap pin today. She got the Darling Children Flying. That pin is very special to us because we spent a lot of time on our last trip to WDW in December looking for it. We did eventually find it though so we have one but Danielle has already asked if SHE can trade it herself. Since she is only 6 I usually help out on the trade end. Afterall, it is usually my pins being traded so she gets a better deal. LOL. It is a great pin and we want to thank Lyricl22 for picking it for Danielle.



My son Brian received his pin on Saturday. He was delighted with the Two-Gun Mickey MM pin sent to him by Jeanette, Epcot Kilter Fan's Mom. She didn't include an e-mail address, so I hope she sees this, or someone who knows her tells her about it. She made a 7 year old very happy!


TDC Blue Fairy

Sorry, you did not put your board name in with the pin, but thanks again for the Dumbo pin!!!! Take care!



to Lady Kat (Joyce) from my DD Shannah. Shannah was thrilled with the pin trader Minner pin, and, having been at WDW in February (Shannah, not me ) She explained about the pin with a "I saw those, I wanted one, but didn't get one!" So, thanks again, Joyce for making one 9 year old very happy!
Debbie °o°



I want to thank Jane for my Santa Mickey in the wreath pin PP#515. I didn't have this pin yet, and if you have been reading my posts this past year Disney Christmas items are right up my alley!
Thanks Jane!




I want to thank Nancy M. (not sure of her screen name) for the WDW Spring Break pin. It will make a wonderful addition to my collection. Thanks so much!


On Saturday my Mom got WDW 2000 Valentines Day from Michelle (dizfamily) and she just loved it!

Today I got the Osborne Family light up pin from Lisa (SnoWhite)!!! It is just beautiful!

Brimel - I told my mom...she was happy that a little boy enjoyed getting his pin!




Just wanted to say THANKS A BUNCH to Kathie, my pin swap buddy, for my Goebel Celebration pin! No, I didn't have this pin! I didn't even know it existed! (Okay, I'm still somewhat of a novice collector!) It's GREAT! Definitely going into my collection. Thanks again!!!
Listed on pinpics under "dizfamily"



Alberto for my pin swap pin!! Today I received the Innoventions -Monsanto pin! I love it and now I MUST get the rest of the set!! Thanks so much Alberto!!

***Continued on next Post***
shirley 38

Got my pin today and what a surprise. One I did not have. It is the Magic Kingdom Train Station. The train really noves.
Thanks to a very great person Susan Walsh for my pin swap. shirley38


Lady Kat

Debbie - I'm so glad Shannah liked her pin....thanks for letting me know.



We just got back from a quick trip to WDW and I had a wonderful surprise waiting for me. Darlene (bipacc) sent me a Grad Night pin AND the original box that it comes in!! I am so excited to have this wonderful addition to my collection!! Thanks again, Darlene!!



to Miss Regina (dvcreg) for my pin swap pin! Today I got the Disneyland Last Day/First Day 2001 pin AND the Disneyland Grad Nite 2000 pin AND 5 Mickey Mouse stickers!!!! My Gigi has taught me a new "pin dance" and I'm doin it now!! I am so happy. This is my first pin swap and my Gigi sent in my name and I am so glad we did this. This is fun! Thanks again to Miss Regina!
Jared Whorton (I am 8 and I have about 75 Disney pins now and I want to go back to WDW soon)



Yippieh... TDC sent two beautiful pins... the 25th anniversary WDW pin and the broomstick pin.. thank you so much and hope to see you sometiiimes in the park.. it is so good to have friends like you...
Megaelch ( Stephan )


Lauri got hers, and now I have mine.
Thanks to Alyssa (CKupres' neice) for the great Disneyland pin!



And I got mine today from you, Matthew. Thanks so much for the LE 101 Dalmations 40th anniversary pin. It is much appreciated! Thanks again!
It's nice to hear when everyone gets their pins, and it's always amazing to see how long (or short) a time it actually can be!

Thanks Peggi, for once again, setting this up!

Happy Spring, Everyone!

Debbie °o°



It actually arrived Monday but I have been a little under the weather.
I just to say a great big THANKS to Shannah & her mom Debbie, I don't know how you guys knew that Mr Toad held a really special place in my house but Way To Go!!

The retired ride Mr Toad is now on the wall faves my DS started. These are pins maybe not LE's that hold a special place for him & our family. So Mr Toad has joined 20,000 Lges and Clopin(try and find him)as well all the tiggers we can find.

Thank you very very much Shannah.



going out to Eric aka WVREVY from my DD Michaiah. Thank you so much for the Balloon with Tinkerbell dangle pin. Michaiah just loves it as well as the stickers you sent.



I just got my pin swap pin from UPS! Here I was thinking I got no LBE's today, and then a knock at the door! Thanks so much Suzi (Parkhopper) for my tokyo disney 2 days before 2001 pin. That is the first one I have, now I will have to get the whole set! Thanks for making my day



I received my pin over the weekend and want to Thank You, (oh I am not sure if it is Britt or Figgy) but anyways, I had to giggle when I saw the name on the envelope because Dean had one half of the Yenne and one half had me. The pin is way too cute, it is the DL Valentine Pooh and Tigger pin. Thanks!!!!!
Dean also received his pin and was very thrilled to see it was a DL Indiana Jones pin he did not have in his collection of Indy pins. He is sending a big Thanks and a hug to MickeysMom. Thanks and Hugs!!!!!




It was me. Britt didn't do the swap this time. The really funny thing is the last time that I did a swap I had Dean...HEHE Glad you like the pin.....



Today my daughter Hailey got her swap pin. She got a Minnie Mouse Baseball Pin from LFG59. She didn't get to see it today, because it was a crazy day, but I know my daughter and I know her taste and she will love the pin. Thanks again Linda.



to bevgray for the wonderful dca slider pin...yes, i received it right on time and i love it! the monorail is two of my sons' favorite attraction, so it is a keeper.
to david "discritter" for my son, sean, for the wonderful mickey and epcot flags pin. he was so excited to have his own lbe.

and to shirley38, colin just adores his two dalmatian pins. you found two he didn't have yet and he asked me to send you his thanks.

now for the apologies...to all of the above (for not responding/posting immediately) and to our pin pals...jeff, jane and pinhook...(for not sending our pins out on time): we had a minor family emergency that prevented me from handling my end in a timely manner. fortunately all turned out very well, but things were late. i appreciate y'all's understanding and patience.

finally, to peggie...thanks for setting up such a great swap. your efforts are great, but the rewards are many...for so many of us! thanks, all!!



Thank you soooooooo much to "Bipacc" for the great Cinderella pin. She is my favorite princess and I am trying to collect all the Cindy pins that I can! And thanks for the extra treat - a lanyard! I don't have one so now I do.
My friends at school think it is so cool that I trade pins. I can't wait to tell them about what I got in the pin swap. I am so happy I am jumping around the house! Yea!!!!!!!


Well, there you go - her first official "Happy Pin Dance!" -CK




Thank you so much Connie(in2disney)! I received the wonderful Jiminy Cricket pin from the Magical Moments collection and I just love it. He is so cute and it is the perfect pin. Thank you so much for picking out such a great pin. I LOVE it.



Just wanted to say thanks to dizneykids, she sent me a wonderful pin. I got Disneyland 45th Signature -- Goofy. Now I have a new set to try to collect. It is a beautiful pin.


My thanks to a lovely 4yr old Carina Vargas(and her dad Alberto) for the beautiful WDW Easter egg that opens. I'm thrilled. I can't wait to put on my glasses and really study the details.



The extra special Figment that you sent arrived yesterday. Thanks!!!!!! It will have a place of honor with all the other Figment collectables.


WOW!!! got my pin today its a Indiana Jones Adventure pin I LOVE IT its a keeper this one will not be in the trader book.Thanks Colin (Dizneykids)

Daber - Your welcome. We Figment fans have to stick together.
Thanks, To DeeP. I recieved the LE Mickey & Minnie Happy Hoidays Mistletoe pin. It is a great pin! One I hadn't seen before. Thanks!


AZ JazzyJ

I would like to thank Gigi for the wonderful pin swap that I received today. She sent a wonderful care package that included a July 4 Mickey pin. I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined that I would get one of these pins and I just love it. She also sent some great Company D items that were a big hit around our house. Thanks again for a great Pin Swap!



Thank you so much to Kaitlyn (dizkneybabe's DD) from my DS Caleb. He just loved the parade pin and has it on his lanyard to show off. He really enjoyed getting his own LBE this time because they are always Mom's and this time it was his very own!!


I have to thank Matt Wirth for sending the Great Happy New Year Pin to Richie.
He has been unable to get on line due to illness so he asked me to thank you for him and post on the boards how much he loves the pin.
It is one of the pins he has admired in my collection and now he has one of his own. Thanks again. Peggie
Thank you Roger (Figmentforever) for the Aries POM.It was a great pin! Glad you had a great time in WDW. OIt was worth the wait !!:)
The kids and I all received our pins last week - they are beautiful.

Hyancith - it truly is all about me!!! ( this one is a keeper!)

Kiffy - Easter is my daughter's favorite holiday and the pin is great - Thanks!!

AnnLea - Kevin went nuts when he saw the pin - He couldn't beleive he got the hinged easter pin

thanks again to all - Peggy you are the best for setting this all up!!!


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