I got a Garden view room at HRH for $117.50 a night using the Entertainment Card rate!


DIS Veteran
Sep 2, 1999
I live in Canada and the closest city to me that offers the book (according to the entertainment.com website) is about 45 minutes away. I'm thinking I'll buy the Orlando book (I'm hoping there'll be coupons in it I can use there). Is the "card" in the book? I'm sorry to seem dumb, but how does the entertainment rate work? The $117.50 a night seemed like a great price for the HRH. Is it? (we'll be there at the end of August)
Yes, you got a great rate. Enjoy yourselves.
We too got the Orlando book, but didn't use any of the many discounts. :( I should have gotten the Hawaii one, because although I don't go off island often, I would still have a chance to use them...
I would buy the book for the closest city to you. The book is huge and filled with coupons you can use year round locally. I buy them every year and even though it's full of coupons for Atlanta I barely get through 1/8 of them.

The card is in the book and can be used for your reservation. You DID get a good rate!


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


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I received my coupon book yesterday. Your entertainment card should be right in the front of the book. Mine is silver and looks like a credit card. By the way, I am from the U.P. of MI and my closest city was two hours away. Did you call the hotel directly to get your entertain rate?
I haven't ordered my Entertainment Book yet though :eek: .

I made my ressies directly from the Universal Escape 800 number.



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