Hyatt Orlando airport discount with Sam's Club membership?


Nov 12, 1999
I read in someone's trip report that they got a discount (about $100 off) at The Hyatt at the Orlando airport for being a Sam's Club member. Does anyone have any details on this? Thanks
That was probably me. My wife called there last summer for the night of 3/10/2001 and was quoted a rate in the $250 $275 range, I forget the exact figure. She asked for a AAA discount but the difference was very little. Then she asked about Sam's Club and got a rate of $169 which she accepted. We're flying out first thing next morning so we'll stay at WDW until they throw us out and crash at MCO without facing the 'load the car rush to MCO to make our flight' syndrome. Ask for their best rate and then whip the Sam's Club thing on them. Good Luck!

Bill From PA

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy


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