Huge sale at Dis store


<font color=deeppink>oh where oh where can the tag
Jan 2, 2001
they are offering up to 75 % off on lots of items. They seemed to have more princess type items on sale than boy type items but hey gotta check every sale out

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We have two teenage daughters who love everything Disney. At my local Disney store on Friday afternoon I found photos frames that had been $15.00 for $2.50; turtle necks for $5.50, pooh hair sets for $2.50 - it was great! They also had the suede/leather coats that had been about $170.00 marked down to $38.00. The CMs at the Disney store all told me they had been Christmas shopping for next year also:-)
Just got back from their tonight! They had one leather coat/jacket originally $150 and I got it for 75% off + an additional 10% from DVC; or $33! WOW! I also got some winter hats and mittens and a T-shirt. :) I left there pretty darn happy!

A CM posted on the RADP board that The Disney Store is doing away with their adult line of clothing except for sleepwear. I was in my local Disney Store today and all the adult stuff was on clearance (except sleepwear). They had a $150 suede jacket for $37! Half of the space has already been replaced by collectables. The post said they will continue to have adult clothing in their online catalog.


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