HRH Rooms - Balconies?


Earning My Ears
Mar 14, 2000
Do the HRH rooms have balconies or sliding doors that open or do they just have windows that are sealed shut?
No there are no balconies at the HRH. I read they are going to be adding them sometime down the line. We were on the 7th floor, our windows did not open.
These new "ultra deluxe" hotels need to understand that being able to sit out on your hotel balcony is super "ultra deluxe". I never understood why they build these huge hotels without them...or at best they only build a few for suite rooms. Here in Jersey, just about every hotel and motel at our Jesery shore has balconies for each and every room, with the exception of the casino hotels ( guess they don't want to be sued if someone loses all their money and decides to jump off their balcony.) Any hoo! Just my two cents here!
Being from NJ also I definately agree with you, every hotel should offer balaconies. I'm wondering where in NJ people say any hoo?
"Any hoo" is said any wares any times ya wantsta.
lol! :D
The biggest problem with hotels that have with balconies is that the humidity and air conditioning mix and make that musty smell. I would rather skip the smell and the balcony to have a more enjoyable stay.

(some hotels do not have this problems, but there are more that do than not. Also balconies can be a problem with people staying on them--think FL spring break)
We had a balcony at the Boardwalk Inn at Disney World and also at the Contemporary Hotel at Disney and we "never" had any musty smells. I really don't see any reason to avoid them myself.
I also do not think the entire world should do without a balcony because of a handful of irresponsible idots that take over during Spring Break.


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