HRH room question


Feb 4, 2001
Does anyone know if club rooms (or any rooms for that matter) have video games in them? If so, is there a charge to use them? If there is, I want to know ahead of time so I can nip it in the bud! Also, what do garden view rooms have a view of? I have only heard people say that the non-poolview rooms overlook the garage. Has anyone with a gardenview overlooked anything other than the garage? Thank you!
I believe you can order games through your TV and there is a charge. I didn't check the charge, though. I know movies are $9.99 each.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
I think its about $6.00 AN HOUR. I told my kids that we wern't playing it was too much money&they were fine with it. We did go to the games room one night but mostly at their awsome pool.
I had been wondering the same thing and had even contemplated bringing our own VCR and Playstation from home. Does anyone know if HRH TV systems allow the hook-up of personal equipment?
When we were there March 3-4 we were told it was $7 an hour. WOW! That's pretty expensive. Not sure if you can bring your own system and hook it up.


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