HRH or Portofino - Which one to choose?


Aug 20, 1999
For those who have experience. Would you choose a deluxe room at the HRH or a standard room at Portofino? Going in August with 7 and 9 year old boys so the pool is a consideration (i.e. which has the best slides).
I would strongly recoment the Hard Rock Hotel. Especially since you hve children. I feel the staff there are much friendler and over all the Hotel is very nice but comfortable as well. Not to mention te really cool pool with a great waterslide and underwater speakers so that you can hear the music all the time.
All of the staff that I have encountered have been great from the head of VIP services to the servers in the resteraunts. It has a modern feel to it as well.
I enjoyed seeing Scooby-Doo in his leather jacket in the lobby.
Don't get me wrong the PBH is very nice as well and if you were a honeymooning couple I think I'd recomend that one.
:cool: Take it easyat the Hard Rock Hotel
Packy we stayed at the PBH last June, it is beautiful and kid friendly for the most part. When planning this summers trip we debated and debated, which one to chose. Finally some wonderful soul posted a link to some GREAT HRH pics (the pool and slide)!!! My boys 8 and 11 made their minds up right then and there, HRH! I wish I had book marked the page maybe if you do a search for HRH pics you can find it. My boys enjoyed the pool at the PBH but the HRH looks SUPER huge!!
I am also trying to decide between the Hard Rock and the Portofino Bay. There will be five of us: 2 adults and 3 kids, 13, 5, and 20 months. My choices are either the Kids Suite at PBH or two connecting (hopefully) pool views at HRH. How about the music, is it really loud. Can anyone who has stayed at both give any input. Thanks.
I stayed at the HRH two weeks ago, and I would definitely recommend it over PBH. Though I've never stayed at PBH, we walked over to check it out. The pool is nowhere near as nice as HRH, and the entire hotel was dead, almost a ghost town. HRH is always lively, and you can't help but feeling good and having a good time there. The music is not loud at all. Scooby was there in a leather jacket to greet you,and the staff was super nice. Also, we walked down a room corridor at PBH, and the hotel is starting to show wear (marks on the walls etc.) while everything at HRH is brand new. We peeked in a room at PBH as a maid was preparing it, and our deluxe room at HRH was much brighter and nicer. We loved it, and I can't say enough good things about this hotel. I made plans already to go back in May. Also, the slide at the pool is awesome!!!! Once again, the one at PBH was no comparison to the slide at HRH!!!!!!!!!!
At the HRH, is Scooby a statue of Scooby with leather coat, or an actual person dressed as Scooby that is in the lobby?
I am casting my vote for HRH. We were 3 adults and 3 boys, ages 8, 11 and 6 months. We had 2 connecting standard rooms on the club level and it was great!! We too walked over to PBH because we initially wanted to stay there and I'm so glad we chose HRH (mainly for the slide). The slide and pool ARE awesome, The Hotel is beautiful, the pool area is much nicer than PB, and the other poster was right, PBH was like a ghost town BOTH times we went over there! Not to imply that HRH is crowded, because it wasn't but you felt like you weren't deserted the way we felt at PB. Not to mention how convenient HRH is to the parks and citywalk, right next door. We loved HRH and can't wait to go back!
Scooby was a person dressed up like scooby in a leather jacket. He was greeting everyone, hugging them, etc. I don't know if he is always there, in fact , I don't remember seeing him in the lobby when I checked out. Maybe you can call the hotel to see if he is only there at certain times.
CFORZA, I'm glad I'm not the only one that envisioned tumbleweeds blowing around the PBH!!
The Kid Suites at the HRH are nicer than the ones at the PBH. Size is nearly the same, but the HRH ones have a little more personality and they won't offend the 10+ year olds with the kids room motiffs.

As for the music, it is everywhere. However you won't hear it in your room unless you watch MTV or turn on the stereo. I found it overwhelming when I first arrived, but I got used to it


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