HRH, mini-bars,coffee makers?


Feb 9, 2000
Does EVERY room have these items? Is there a charge for mini-bar "use",... in other words, someone posted that they "moved everything over" to put their OWN food/drinks in the mini-bar... some nicer hotels have everything computerized and if anything is moved... its considered consumed and you are charged for it! One lady stated that she just took everything out, put her stuff in and then before she left replaced the "stocked" mini-bar as if she never used it!! I just want to stock a couple cold pops, applesauce...etc... but I don't want to pay a $10.00 fee per nt. like Disney charges!! I would at least, love to have a coffee maker in room.. how convienent that would be ! :D
Yes, there is a mini coffee maker, enough for a good size cup of coffee, but the maid did leave us two bags. They would probably even give you more if you ask.
We didn't take anything out of the mini bar, but we did rearrange some of the candy bars, and my hubby did drink one beer. There was enough room to put 4 cans of beer, a small apple juice and a gatorade. Of course, the beer didn't last in there very long, you know how some men get so so thirsty in the hot florida sun.

Some hotels specifically discourage and disallow the use of the minibars for any items. I was in one recently ... I believe it was the Wyndham Palace ... that had a $35 fee if you tried that!

The only exclusions was baby food and medicine.

I would strongly discourage the removal of items from the minibar that you are not going to use. Putting your own items in the minibar also as long as you leave everything else in there should be okay though.


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