Hrh Discount?

HRH discount

  • Anyone know code for disc HRH

  • HRH code

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Earning My Ears
Jan 23, 2002
Need discount for 1 nite(friday, April 19) at HRH . Leaving for disney cruise next day. After spending $$$ on cruise, defin. need a discount! 10 yr old daughter has heart set on staying here. The best price so far with AAA disc. is 197.00. Does anyone know a code we can try? Thanks, ***new to forum, think its great***
Can you get a Fan Club card from your employer? You can maybe get a discount with that. We got HRH in June pool view $153/ view was $139/night.

Welcome to the DIS! You will like it here!
Employer never heard Fan Club, tried entertainment rate(thinking if dis good enough, be worth it for entain. card fee) but HRH states dis not valid for Fridays. Thanks ,AZ Kathy for quick reply!


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