How's Tampa airport?

Simba's Mom

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Aug 26, 1999
Has anyone here flown to Tampa instead of Orlando, then driven, to save money? Was it worth it? Can anyone give me an estimate of how much they'd have to save to make the extra driving from Tampa worth it?
WDW is about 30 minutes from the Orlando airport and about 70 minutes from the Tampa airport. And the Tampa airport is easy to get in and out of. Just for discussion, $25 per plane ticket would motivate me to go into Tampa. In some cases we've done it for about the same price but, because of plane schedules, have gotten to WDW 3 or 4 hours earlier;)
I haven't done it yet but we will be doing it next month. I wasn't able to use frequent flyer miles to Orlando, but I was to Tampa. I posted the question on here and the response was very favorable. It sounds like a lot of people have done this and no one had anything negative to say. I think the estimated drive time given to me was about an hour and a quarter.
Tampa is a great airport and very easy to get around in. We have flown in there a few times and really have not found the ride to be intolerable. It does take about 70 mins. from there to OKW and about 20 mins. from Orlando to OKW , but, have found the extra 50 mins. on the road to be a non issue. Besides, you get to see more of FL. :)


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