HowHot problem


DIS Veteran
Nov 29, 2000
I just signed up with howhot yesterday. Today, I did the first page of views, but could not get page 2 to come up. At that point I had to log off because we wnt out to dinner. We just got back and I tried to log in again. This time I keep being transferred to s aite in Spanish talking about soccer in Argentina (I think???) Does anyone know what is going on here, or has this happened to you?:confused: :mad:
Hi Mal,

Just wanted to let you know that I got into howhot with no problem just now. Also, I emailed them yesterday when I had the problem, and they did get right back to me, even if they didn't know what the problem was either. Whatever it was, it seems to have fixed itself.:D The hardest part of doing this one for me is keeping track of how many searches and views I've done so I don't spend a lot of time doing things I won't get credit for because I'm over their limit.:) Thanks so much for all your help.


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