how much cash to bring for a week?


Earning My Ears
Jan 3, 2001
We will be staying on site and plan to use our resort card ( is this the right terminology?) to charge our meals. How much cash will we need? We don't buy too many souvenirs. thanks.
We spend about $50 per day in cash, which is mostly for drinks and snacks at the parks, and little things we feel ridiculous charging to the room. Our total "meals and whatever" budget is $150 per day.

Offsite 5/99 (never again!)
All Star Sports 5/00
All Star Sports 1/01
Animal Kingdom Lodge 6/01
HI! When we go, we have a budget planner with us. We seperate our money to make things easier.

1.) We have maid envelopes made with tips already in side fgor each day we are there. ($2-3 per day)

2.) We put an envelope aside for the bell boy when we arrive and leave. ($5-10 for when we arrive and leave)

3.) We apporaimate how much each meal will cost (usually between $60-80), but there are only 2 of us.

4.) We then have our spending money. We usually figure $100 per day.

I hope this helps!

We just got back and we spent about $175 a day (including meals) for a family of 5. We usually ate a large breakfast, snacked in the afternoon, and ate in the park at night. Sometimes character dinners, sometimes not. We bought souvenirs off site, much less expensive and the kids appreciated being able to get twice as much. Have fun!
How much have you got?

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Cheapskate here. Family of 4, $100 a day total for food & extras. This means eating breakfast in the room and one large meal at a restaurant, and we don't buy too many souvenirs anymore. One day we may only spend $60, the next $140, it averages out over a weeks time.

Oh geez, I just reread your question. If I were charging meals I guess $50 a day in cash would be plenty!
I agree with the reply"how much have you got".
We are a family of 6 and are amazed at how much we spend in the parks and we don`t buy alot of souveniers. If you don`t mind lugging drinks and snacks, that will make a difference.
But I never like to be caught without enough cash for at least one full day's needs. Even if we plan to use our resort cards or credit cards for most things, I always have enough cash as a back-up. You never know if you'll have a random problem with using charge accounts. Although to Disney's credit, I have never experienced a problem with their system.


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