How long is the drive from downtown San Diego to Disneyland?


Nov 1, 1999
I am flying in to San Diego for a job interview on Monday, and will fly back to Utah on Tuesday. I was going to be good and leave my season pass here in Utah, my kids would kill me if I went to Disneyland without them, but just in case I happen to get done really early and have nothing to do, how long would the drive be to the park?

I am going to slip the season pass into my purse while the kids are sleeping.
It totally depends what time you make the drive.
In a perfect world without traffic, about 1 hr. 15-30 min. With traffic, at least 2 hours. Hope this helps a little. :)

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We do this every year in May. Fly into SD (I have a yearly conference in SD) and drive to DL. I agree it takes approximately 90" from downtown SD.
<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#00009c>Just did this drive today (Sunday-left Downtown San Diego @ 2pm), and it took a little less than an hour & a half to get to Disneyland. The drive was very easy.

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#FF0066>Mary Jo

Disneyland & Techie Boards Co-Moderator

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I'll be in San Diego in July for a conference. I will not have a rent a car. I heard you can take an amtrack train to DL...does anyone know any details?


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<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#6600CC>I know that the station is about 10 minutes away. You can take a taxi, or if you're in a nearby hotel, you can call the hotel to send a shuttle to pick you up.

<font face="Comic Sans MS"><font color=#FF0066>Mary Jo

Disneyland & Techie Boards Co-Moderator

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Mary Jo,
Are you sure the Disney Hotels will send a shuttle? We were just at the GC and we asked the valets if there was still an Amtrak shuttle and they told us no. :( You could call a taxi.

We are planning another trip up to the GC in May and wanted to take the train ( a surprise trip for our neice and nephew). I'm hoping there is a shuttle available. Please post if you know for sure. Thanks!

Enjoy life and great vacations.


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