How is the excercise equipment at the BW


DIS Veteran
Aug 11, 2001
I have been on a pretty tough regime trying to lose weight. Now I won't kill myself trying to stay on this diet while on vacation but would at least like to try & stay near what I have lost. Does anyone know what kind of equipment is there?

:earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsboy: :earsgirl: :earsboy:
It has been a few years since I was at the Boardwalk, but I did workout while I was there. I know that now you have to pay to workout there, either daily or length of stay. This was not the case while I was there. The equipment is in very good shape. If I remember right it was mostly Cybex equipment, but don't quote me on that. There were several treadmills and there were a few other misc cardio machines. Great variety of leg and arm machines (leg extension, bicep/tricep, lat pulldowns, etc)...but I remember that there weren't really any stomach machines, maybe one, but it wasn't great. Overall though it had great machines and the facility was very clean and well kept.
When I was there in Nov. there was no charge if you were a DVC member. You just have to let them know. They were ready to charge me until I let them know I was a member.

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