How do I inspire my fiance?


<font color=FF99FF>Mama Bear<br>Always willing to
DIS Lifetime Sponsor
Jul 20, 2000
My fiance and I are going to WDW for our honeymoon. My dear fiance is not quite the disney fanatic that I am...YET. Any suggestions on how I can put a little Disney in his life in a small way each day to make him more excited? :D
I wish I knew someone who was going soon, then they could bring back napkins with Disney on them so I could slip them in his lunch. Where can I buy napkins or little soaps or such? Hmm...I've already given him 5 different travel books and all the planning videos. Maybe I'm just too excited. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> Nah....not possible.
I think it's really special that you're planning your honeymoon at WDW. While I can't help you with the napkin, etc., question, I do have a bit of advice (after being married almost 23 years). I wouldn't worry too much that your fiance doesn't seem all that excited about it. If he's agreed to go to WDW for the honeymoon, that's half the battle! You want him to believe HE is the focus of your desire, not the fact that you are celebrating your love at WDW. When you two get there, the emotion of the moment from it being your honeymoon and your first days as husband and wife and the magical surroundings you'll be in, guarantee it will be wonderful. Relax and enjoy it as it comes! ;)
Don't worry about it. My DH doesn't share my excitement and interest in WDW, either. We had a great time on our honeymoon, we've gone back twice since then, and I'm planning our 3rd trip currently.

What kind of interests does your fiance have? Does he like sports? If so, you might want to plan on having a meal at the ESPN Club or visiting WWS. Just think of his interests and I'm sure you'll find something at WDW that he'll really enjoy.

Have a great time and Congratulations!

<span style='font-size:8.0pt;
font-family:"Comic Sans MS";color:#666699'>’79 Poly, ’80 Cont, ’81 Disney Inn, ’82 Poly, ’83 Fairway Villas, ’84/’85 Off-site condo, ’87 Days Inn<o:p></o:p></span>
<span style='font-size:8.0pt;
font-family:"Comic Sans MS";color:#339966'>April ’91 Cont(Honeymoon), Oct ’95 ASM, Oct ’98 AS<o:p></o:p></span>
<span style='font-size:8.0pt;font-family:"Comic Sans MS";color:red'>Next trip: Nov ’01 Cont</p>
When he thinks Disney World he is probably thinking characters and stage shows (which are great) but they may not be the thing to excite him. As a previous poster said I am sure you will both be walking on clouds from the wedding but why don't you show him a different side of Disney. Plan to go to Pleasure Island one night for some adult entertainment or go to a water park and splash around together. I am sure that he will find quite a few things there he will enjoy doing.

'82 off property
'83 off property
'91 CBR
'95 CBR
'96 CBR
'98 CBR
'00 CBR
'01 CBR Honeymoon


You might want to try Gifts of A Lifetime...
They can get Disney merchandise and ship it to you if that's what you want... :)

And, congratulations :D

You two will have a wonderful time :D

Gifts of A Lifetime

<font color="#6600CC"><font face="BOOK ANTIQUA">
<marquee>"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them."
- Walt Disney</marquee></font></font>
<font color="#FF0066"><font face="BOOK ANTIQUA">
ASMusic 10/27/00 to 11/02/00
ASMusic 10/25/01 to 11/03/01
BWV 10/2002

My husband and I went on our Honeymoon to the WL in November 2000...part of the thrill for me was the anticipation and the planning...he didn't want to hear anything about it...he said that I was going to be sick of Disney stuff by the time we got there...of course I wasn't...but when it was time for the wedding and the honeymoon, he was just as psyched as I was...we had a wonderful time...guys just don't get into the planning as much as we do I guess...he even said one night that he wished we could stay for another week, and he had checked into but our room was already booked and he didn't want to stay anywhere for the second week but our special Honeymoon room at the WL...guys aren't so bad after all...lo

...when your heart is in your dreams...
I have some of the hotel Mickey soaps...if you would like one I could send it to you. =) If you want one, just let me know at & I'd be happy to drop it in the mail. We leave for Disney ourselves next Thursday so if you want me to, let me know soon. I have so many of them & never know what I'll do with them so might as well send a few to you. LOL I just can't bear to throw them out ;)

"Yeah, they're going to Disney AGAIN...they go like every other day" -- My Teenage Brother

January 00' - Beach Club
September 00' - All Star Movies
March 01' - All Star Movies

:D MoseysMom :D
Try playing some Disney cd's at home to inspir him. Three of my favorites are:
1. the soundtrack from Tarzan
2. Disney's millenium celebration
3. Disney's greatest pop hits
I think most if not all of them are available at your local Disney store or on-line
Good luck!!

off site- 1978
DXL- 1997
CBR & wonder cruise- 1999
OKW- Nov. 2001
We are also going for our honeymoon! My fiance is just the same way, he just doesn't seem excited at all. I can't understand it, since we decided to Disney, I read my travel books and am always on the internet looking for insight, and he just thinks I'm being silly. I also am trying to get him excited, I'm hoping that as it gets closer he will get more excited, but you have some great ideas, keep it up!!!!

Thanks for the great advice and ideas. I own almost all the disney dvds available...I'm making him watch all the classics and learn the stories and characters....I think the Disney Magic is slowly working on him ;)
BPR----your last post said that you were MAKING him watch the videos or DVD's to get into the magic! I think that might be your're making him do it. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_redface.gif" alt="red face"> It shouldn't be that way sweetie. There should be some type of compromise on both your parts. My DH tells me I am OBSESSED with Disney, and he's right! :D However, he supports my obsession by going to Disney with me and letting me go nuts planning our 10 year wedding anniversary there. ;) Because he supports me and is going I don't overwhelm him with all the planning. I handle it and just keep him posted. He knows the dates...May 20th-28th, and that our trip is paid for!! CASH!! All he has to do is drive us there. I ALWAYS, ALWAYS cater to his needs upon our arrival to Disney. The resort I picked, I picked for my DH. ALLSTAR MUSIC, THE JAZZ QUARTER! DH is a musician and loves jazz music. First thing we do in EPCOT after Spaceship Earth, is INNOVENTIONS. My DH loves computers and video games!
Do you see where I'm going sweetie? You HAVE to cater to his needs after arrival. My DH has an absolute blast after we arrive! It's just how he is. Excitement doesn't hit him til the day of the trip and the drive down. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> Lay off you fiance a bit and watch the shift in his personality. Enjoy your planning and hanging on the internet, but just let him be. I guarantee you, that he will come up to you and ask about the Disney trip when you stop talking about it. His curiousity will eventually get him! :cool:

(WHEW...I CAN "TALK" CAN'T I!!?? :rolleyes: )

CNJ----I suggest the same for you. If the two of you decided on Disney together, he'll come around eventually. Give him space and it'll hit him before he knows what happens! :D

I have just got to be blessed or something to have a DH who supports me and "tolerates" my passion the way he does. :)



SoG-MAY 98
I am happy to hear that you at least got him to go there for your honeymoon.My DW and I went for our honeymoon last April. She is a Disney freak like you. I was more into Sandals resorts and such. After a bit of coaxing and giving in a little bit to make her happy I said okay to WDW. I was not all that excited about it but she wanted to go. I don't know what happened but as soon as I got there I turned into a little kid. She wanted to take a nap to rest from the previous wedding day and I wanted to right to the MK! I was all geeked up from then on. I loved it more than her I think. I even bought into the DVC on my first trip as an adult. We went to WDW three times in our first year married. This year we have already gone on the DCL and to WDW. We just bought more points at VWL. I am so happy about it all the time. It is almost an excuse to go on vacation. Almost the opposite of normal life where people worry about how they will take their next vacation. I worry if I will take it in time to get the most our of my membership. Don't worry, he'll come around. Standing next to Mickey Mouse how can you not. Congrats on your engagement!

some trips as a child
DxL 4/00
DVC member 4/00
BWV 9/00
VB 9/00
DCL 1/01
OKW 1/01
BWV 12/01
I was the same as you and desperately wanted my husband-to-be to be as excited as I was but found that the more I tried to make him excited the more bored he became with the idea. He finally became excited when we walked through the entrance to MK and he's been planning to go again since we got back and telling all his friends what a great time he had.
I'm actually not making my fiance watch the videos, he volunteered!! :cool:
He knows I'm a disney freak and he supports me even when he thinks its too much. ;)
I'm happy to say that my fiance is way more excited and interested than I realized.
Of course, he probably won't be as excited as me but we both just love the idea of planning OUR HONEYMOON. Yippee!! And that is enough for me I now realize. :D I just can't get over it...OUR HONEYMOON <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">
Hi there,
I am writing this as former "not in the disney mood" fiance. My wife wanted to go to disney for our honeymoon and i was not at all thrilled. But I realized I wanted to make her happy to i said OK. We got married in December of 99 and I will admit to being a christmas nut who watches FOXfamily's 25 days of christmas. So we get to our hotel (Wilderness Lodge) and I see how disney does Christmas and i am HOOKED. This made me think that if disney went all out for christmas then every other day must be just as special. AND now I am the one who is planning for our next trip in Dec of this year to P.O.

Goodluck :eek:


I am a revived disney nut and i am driving my wife crazy!!!!

Port Orleans - Dec 2001
WL honeymoon - Dec 1999
Set up a Keys to the Kingdom tour for the two of you--I'll guarantee you'll have a convert! Give him time to get in the mood.

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