How big are bunk beds at GC?

I called the reservation desk and was told that anyone 5' 2" or over would not fit well in the bunks. Seems like a silly thing to do. I am traveling with adult daughter, teen age son and teenage granddaughter and full size bunks would have been great. It seems like the ones at wilderness lodge were full size or then maybe the children were that much smaller and we didn't notice since it was a few years ago. We have a request in for a sleeping bag and pad since they also don't have roll-a-ways. Can't wait until July anyway- really don't plan to spend much time in the room anyway and will probably be so tired we could sleep on the bare floor.
My sister is about 5'4" and she said it was very uncomfortable for her....she didn't quite fit.

Definitely made for short grown-ups or younger children.


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