How are you doing with your Christmas shopping?


<font color=teal>I go to WDW 2,179,872 times a yea
Aug 19, 1999
How much of your Christmas shopping have you gotten done? I have all my gifts purchased, so I just need to wrap them, and stop at the ATM to get cash for those people I'm giving money to.

I love being finished early! :Pinkbounc
I have the kids stuff spread all over the living room floor right now and I've got to go pick them up from school in less than an hour! Oops, I better get busy wrapping! I'm almost done with them, but still need to do some shopping for my parent's.
Since we have to buy so many gifts for friends and family, we do our shopping throughout the year. It works out pretty well for us because when the holidays roll around, we don't have to deal with the stress of buying gifts and we have some money in our pockets for whatever. The downside is that we have to store the gifts for months at a time but we've got a pretty big walk-in closet that comes in handy. Anyways, in answer to your question, we're done with our shopping...
Ummm....I have none of it done <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Blushy' border=0></a> I know I need to get on the ball and get started, but so much has been going on that I just haven't gotten around to it.

Not much time left, either <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='Nervous' border=0></a>
I am thankfully jsut about done....I just have a few more odds and ends to get, but at least 80% is out of the way...good thing too, since I'm going to WDW next weekend!!!

I did most of shopping buy computer this bout ya'll did you do it online or in brick and mortar stores?
I'm mostly done...all online so far. Just have to get a couple small items (probably gift cards) and something for my father.
All done, all wrapped, all my cards are done and the house is decorated. All we have left to do is get the tree. I am really looking forward to enjoying the holidays this year.

Denae :flower1:
I have to admit, though, that I've been lazy about wrapping my gifts. I hate wrapping, so I always put off wrapping until the very last minute. I shop early, but wrap late!
just about done getting DBF's gift and not where near done with the rest of it
I have all my shopping done and most of it wrapped, I am just waiting on a few more orders to arrive from Amazon and Lego. This is the earliest I have ever been done and I love it! More time for baking for upcoming parties! :)
With the exception of a couple of stocking stuffers I am done. :cool1:

I only have to wrap DH and DS's gifts, but I will save that until closer to Christmas.

I am currently working on the Christmas cards, hope to have them done and in the mail by Monday.
My goal was to be done with Christmas shopping in October. :laughing: :laughing: Well, that didn't happen. I'm about 75% done. I'll do a lot more in Disney and pick up some odds and ends when I get back. I'm not looking forward to all the wrapping! :scared: :faint:
We're having a pretty lean christmas, since we'll be at DL and in Vegas so that's mostly our present. I wanted to have something small for my mom to open, so I bought her a tinkerbelle nightshirt. I'd like to pick up something else small for her too, but havn't found something appropriate yet. I have one more thing I want to get for DFi, a scarf to make for soon-to-be SIL, and one more thing for my best friend. And then I'm done.
I will be done on friday. :)
Can't wait. I like to finish early too.
I have done no shopping. I'm trying to avoid Christmas this year :(
Three more gifts and I am done. Most of the presents are wrapped and would you believe that I had to make some returns already. DD told me her boyfriend was a size large, he isn't, he's a medium. Also, just found out that son's girlfriend is allergic to silver. I bought her a sterling silver bracelet from Tiffany's, that is going back tomorrow, it looks like she will get sweaters!
I am almost done. Everything I have bought has been wrapped. A few more items for my boyfriend and I will be done. I am sending out Christmas cards early next week. It feels nice to be this far ahead!
Debi said:
I have to admit, though, that I've been lazy about wrapping my gifts. I hate wrapping, so I always put off wrapping until the very last minute. I shop early, but wrap late!

Ok, I LOVE wrapping - so let's do this. You do the shopping, and I'll do the wrapping ;)


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