How about a night meet on March 9?


DIS Veteran
Aug 20, 1999
For those who will be staying onsite, how about a night meet? We can get food or hang around in my Portifino room. I got a Bay view room, so you can ooh and aah around the water. Bed jumping will occur in MG's room. :)

We can also meet for drinks too (no Hurricanes at Pat O'Brien's though -- ask Dave O'Brien!). I would think 9 pm would be good. I would do it earlier, but I am having a Sea World meet earlier in the day.

So how about it? I will post it on the Magic Meetings area if there is enough interest.
We are arriving that evening - Friday the 9th - at the Orlando airport around 8PM. It will take some time to get to the hotel, check-in, etc. I think I better pass for now, but keep me posted and maybe we join you.

You know that if you become a Loew's member, you can get an upgrade !!! Would that be a suite? :))

(Did you sign up yet? If not, do it through their 800 number and not their web-site. It's quicker that way.)
How did I get a bay view room? I paid $20 more. That was the cheapest they had when I booked.

I am a Loew's First member. Maybe I can get a Graceland Suite at HRH! Maybe not. :)


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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