Hot Pot on a Budget


Earning My Ears
Mar 4, 2001
Ok all you budget chefs out there. I saw a post on using a Hot Pot the type I think we all had at one time in college or some time around there. NOW hmm what to bring to put into it. Yes I can see soups and Hot Water but does anyone else out there have any suggestions? TY:)
WOW...I'm the one who suggested the "hot pot" and am so glad that someone noticed...
Now..."Remember the Magic"..of your college days..
Probably nothing will inspire you here...I would think ANY soups..Beef Stews...Spaghettios...(gotta love 'em)..absolutely ANY canned pasta product..(sounding kinda of that I think about it)..but hey...saves you money...AND if your kids are participating in the "meal event" could always tell them the following:...."I have brought you to WDW...I have done my job...I will put you through college...BUT...this is how you are going to eat once you get there"....I've also heard of doing Oatmeal in the HP...instant of course...Hot Chocolate...on and on....
Now...If YOU can remember this kind of magic...PLEASE help ME remember????....where the heck to find a "hot pot" these days...
Enjoy your Disney experience!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rival still makes the hot pot & my daughter has one at college (She's a frosh)this year! We got hers last summer at Bradlees, a KMart type store that has since gone out of business. I have seen it recently (I think KMart) in ugly purple plastic but it was only $8.
You could probably heat up canned chili in the hot pot and then pour that over corn chips (Fritos or Doritos) for what we call Frito pie.


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator

dont forget the cheese on the frito pie. MMMMMMM. Us Texans love frito pie. Easy and delicious.
Thanks for the info on where to acquire a hot pot...oldest dd's favorite color is purple!!
One thing I forgot to mention was that the hot pot should be good for making the Ramen Noodle Soup dd's love 'em..(yech)..come to think about it..nearly any boxed soup might (?) work..a very frugal prospect anyway..served with a big loaf of French bread...sounds like a meal to me!!!! ;)
I bought ours at Wal-Mart for about $10. It was in the coffe pot section of the store. I used mine to heat up water to was the kids cups and bottles with. I also used the hot water for instant oatmeal and the single cups of noodle soups. I did buy a can of soup to heat up but forgot the can opener so we never did eat the soup. Oh, Well! I will definitely take it again on our next trip in December.

cook the chili for CHILI DOGS W/ CHEESE AND BUNS!!

There is a cook book just for cooking in motel rooms w/a hot pot!! I saw it on Rosie or Oprah!! This guy was a professional frugel person. And his wife had written this cookbook. It must Be at or one of the bookstores.

Another thought - in the pasta isle at the grocery store they have what they call "Pasta Anytime" - its regular pasta and sauce in a shrink wrapped package. You can microwave it or heat it up in a hot pot. It tastes much much better then the canned pastas.

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I got mine on clearance for 3.00. I
bought because you should NEVER heat
water in the microwave. But it will
go with me, IF I ever get to Disney! ;)
Don't forget the ramen noodles-they are oriental noodles with a seasoning packet you add it after it's done. I even brought a hot pot to the Grand Floridian. What's good about the GF is that even though it usually will cost more than similar deluxe resort, all rooms have a refrigerator at no cost and I got upon request at no cost,a microwave and coffee maker. But one funny story is that my brother in law and my hubby went food shopping and walked into the GF lobby and suddenly my brother in law's package broke and all of his food rolled away in this very expensive looking grand lobby. He was very embarrassed but it makes for a great memory!



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