Horrible Experience at Harmony Barber Shop

Schmeck said:
I'm trying to picture a hairstylist blowing bubbles, sticking stickers and cutting a child's hair, all at the same time... :rolleyes:

Gee, how did kids get their hair cut before videos and 'bells and whistles' became the norm? :lmao:

Sorry junior got a lousy haircut, but it's not the end of the world - and you're doomed to fail if you go to WDW with expectations of repeating 'magical moments' as others have noted.

Complaints made days after an event will not be taken very seriously, and compensation of any kind is rare. Also, making accusations online against someone can be considered harrassment, and a lawsuit can be filed.

You shouldn't roll your eyes- you shouldn't have to picture it... or try to... just go there and you'll see it happen! That is, ofcourse, unless you get Norma. LOL

That's sad to say doomed to fail if you go with WDW with expectations of what they OFFER there- like the haircut with the hairdresser having a good attitutde towards children, doing the bubbles/etc. like they normally do with children and TO NOT shave their head... and also not to be rude and hand the scissors to you and ask if you want to cut it just because you're telling them how you want it cut. What, you should just plop your kid up there and let them cut it how they want? Well apparently Norma thinks so...

A lawsuit filed for stating the truth of what happened online? Um, don't think so. Making me laugh now....... :rotfl:

I appreciate the OP posting about her situation here. I've taken my youngest there before (for her first haircut) and now I know if we go again (primarily for the mickey confetti in her hair LOL) to avoid Norma like the plague! I might even put my hands up in the sign of the cross- evil get away from my kid! LOL
I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. We love going there and it should be a magical experience. We have always had very friendly stylists. Hopefully your son won't remember this and you can take him back next time. Let us know if/when you get a response back from Disney.
Okay- I have to comment on this one. I am a licensed cosmotologist. I have been for many years. I can only tell you that Norma did not do the right thing. I would be curious to see if she is actually licensed. If not that is a major violation. Where I am from you ahve to have your license displayed and inspectors come at random times to check that you are up to code. That being said- as a hairdresser IT IS YOUR JOB to make sure your client is comfortable and happy. Doesn't matter if your client is 2 or 102. I have cut many children's hair (including my own kids) and while I don't really enjoy it because as a previous poster stated it is like cutting a moving target and I don't want to hurt the child, I still maintain my professionalism. My friends and I used to keep toys at our station etc. You have to explain to a child what you are doing. For example- feel the buzzer, it is going to tickle, give me your hand so I can show you etc. You also have to develop a repor with the child AND parents. Too many times a parent sends a child in alone only to be annoyed at me because their kid requested a haircut that the parent didn't want. While this is clearly not the case here, I think it is good to point out that everyone needs to be involved. That being said I don't think it's rude or wrong to ask a parent nicely if maybe they can blow some bubbles while I am navigating a pair of scissors. What's rude and wrong is the way that it was done. While I don't think this is the case here, some parents think they can send a 2 year old to sit in the stylist's chair while they read a magazine! I personally think that Norma was out of line from what the OP posted. I have never had a child scream hysterically over a haircut. Children are a good judge of character so I would be hard pressed to believe that this woman was nice if this kid was so scared he didn't even want to go near the place. I would definetly follow up on the complaint and get verification that she is licensed. If not I would report her to the state board. I went through alot of schooling for my license and so should anyone if they want to practice a trade. Good for you for leaving. I am sorry you had such a bad experience. :grouphug:
I want to thank the OP too: we are going to WDW next March, and I am fighting not to cut our baby hair before we go, because I want the first cut to be done at the Barber's Shop. Now, thanks to you, I know to give a very good look at how the stylist in charge works with the people before us, and to leave and come back in another moment if anything doesn't feel "right".

ElenaP from Italy
Thanks so much for sharing, OP. Your letter was well written. I know some think you could have handled it differently but you did the best you could under the circumstances. I totally understand wanting to get out of there, practically in shock. Sometimes we look back and wish we did things differently, we're all guilty of that. In the heat of the moment we don't always think things through.

I'm so so sorry some here just can't handle any negative posts about Disney so they have to put the OP down and accuse them of lying. It's rediculous. Not everyone has a perfect experience every time they are at WDW and there's nothing wrong with letting fellow DISers know your experience.

I didn't see anywhere where the OP expected compensation?? :confused3

I just hope that your DS will get over this scary experience and forget so maybe you can try again. :goodvibes
Mouse House Mama said:
While I don't think this is the case here, some parents think they can send a 2 year old to sit in the stylist's chair while they read a magazine! I

Valid statement--however this is an exceptional location.

If a parent was reading a mag--I'd have to wonder, what was the point of coming to Disney World :teeth: .
Honestly I don't even recall them having magazines there! Do they? LOL
Thanks to the OP for the warning. This letter was extremely well-written. Let's just all hope Norma is gone for good from there.
OH that is soooo crummy. I have a 3 year old DD that I take to cartoon cuts each time because I know how important it is to be entertained when getting a hair cut. Also, at Disney you expect so much more "Magic" when you go there. I had a cashier be very rude to me a few years ago at one of the Boardwalk shops - she made me cry! I complained to the hotel manager and he gave me and my DH a $200 voucher for DINNER on the boardwalk! YIKES!!! I just wanted to complain about it - I didn't want anything in return. They do take complaints seriously. We filled out an "official" written complaint and they gave me an address/contact as well. This was in 2003, I'll try to look for the contact info and I'll PM you with it if I find it.

I'm so sorry this happened to you - That's awful! You handled it well. :love:
(Wow, I'm impressed with myself that I found this ;) ) --- I found the form and I'll post the address here for everyone in case they need it:

Walt Disney World Company
P.O. Box 10000
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830-1000

And this form said it should be sent to the "Guest Claims Department" so I would address it "Attn: Guest Claims Dept."

The form is called a "Confidnetial Statement of Witness"
and at the Bottom it says "Prepared at the request of the Legal Department in anticipation of claims and litigation."
Thanks to the OP of this thread!

We are taking my son for his first haircut on Thursday. I will pay attention to who is there, and if it is Norma I will decline the cut at that time and come back later. I will also mention that I have heard some bad reviews of her haircuts as the reason I will come back later.

(I hope that Disney has already taken care of this problem and that she has been transferred somewhere else by now)

I have heard of many good experiences there and that is the reason why my son looks like a hippie waiting for his first haircut! :rotfl: I don't wish to take the chance that it will be less than magical, so Norma is off the list.
Blizzard--I believe that if 2 hairstylists are working--you are able to just pass and wait for the desired stylist to be finished. YOu are under no obligation to take the first stylist (especially if it happens to be Norma).
DS has his haircut by Mykal during our last trip and while he was thorough with the cut, his demeanor was quite different from what we've experienced in the past. He is usually quite jovial and joking, but keeps my son in his seat (quite a feat actually) for the cut. This time he said little and we had to ask for the gel/confetti, while the other stylist, who happened to be Norma, was joking and laughing with the other child.

I chalked it up to being a human being, some days are good, some are better! :)

Not comparing this to what the OP's child suffered through, although I cannot understand how she whipped out a set of clippers and buzzed him without you knowing what she was doing? I am usually standing right next to DS the whole time he is on the chair and I would have wrestled it out of her hand if I saw a woman trying to buzz my kid.

Plus I'd be waiting in that line at Town Hall no matter how long it was. But that is because we're different people & we handle things differently. You obviously tried to do the best you could in that situation.

Just my .02!
vhoffman said:
Sorry you had such a bad experience, but, in my opinion, you handled it all wrong!

First, why did you just leave without complaining to a manager? I certainly wouldn't have left $10! Ok, I can understand wanting to just put an end to it and get out of there with a screaming 2 year old, however, I wouldn't just have left it at that. Did you make any complaint later to someone in authority? I'd go straight to the top with this one!

In this day and age everyone's so quick to sue for every little thing. However, I'd sue for this. If you have pictures that's good evidence. There's plenty of money-hungry lawyers out there who'd love to take on your case for a contigency--you don't pay unless you win. Go for it! I'd say Disney owes you big time for this. Also, how is "Nora" ever going to get fired without some sort of official complaint from you? Don't expect anything from Disney--they handle complaints by ignoring them in the hopes you'll go away. This goes way beyond a disatisfied customer--this is plain abuse!

I'd also write a letter describing your experiences to local Orlando newspapers and post on other travel boards, such as Allears.net, Frommers, try CondeNast ombudsman, try local (Orlando) tv stations, don't stop until you get satisfaction. Usually I do like you did--make it go away and get along with my vacation. However, NO ONE abuses my children, and that's what this is. You might even file a complaint with the Orange County dept. of child abuse, whatever its called. It is psychological abuse. Go for it, you need to make sure this type of crap doesn't happen again.

BTW, we had planned a trip to Disney this April and now can't make it. I'm reading more and more about bad experiences there with hotels, services, cm's, lack of cleanliness in the parks and restroooms, inadequate maintenance on the rides, etc. Makes me glad now not to be going. Who needs that crap? We've had magical trips in the past, let the memories stay untarnished. Also its simply too much money to risk on a lousey time.

Good luck in getting a resolution to this awful experience!

Wow. My jaw hit the floor over this post. Was this meant to be serious or sarcastic (honest question)? I think that there should be some sort of resolution, and I would be highly upset too if it happened to my child, but a lawsuit, going to the media, etc over the poor actions and lack of people skills by a barber is not the answer, IMO. :confused3
Schmeck said:
I'm trying to picture a hairstylist blowing bubbles, sticking stickers and cutting a child's hair, all at the same time... :rolleyes:

Gee, how did kids get their hair cut before videos and 'bells and whistles' became the norm? :lmao:

Sorry junior got a lousy haircut, but it's not the end of the world - and you're doomed to fail if you go to WDW with expectations of repeating 'magical moments' as others have noted.

Complaints made days after an event will not be taken very seriously, and compensation of any kind is rare. Also, making accusations online against someone can be considered harrassment, and a lawsuit can be filed.

Perhaps you should consider a name change--just replace the e with a u...

The OP's "complaints" or concerns will be taken seriously and people have been compensated through Guest Claims for incidents that have occurred on Disney property. I know this for a fact.
So sorry that you had such a bad experience at the barber shop. DS2 had his hair cut, and DD7 had the pixie dust, on Monday, January 16th. Both stylists there were wonderful, but I don't recall what either of their names were. Now I'm curious...

As an aside, DS2 screams bloody murder when we try to get his hair cut, mostly due to his being cut on his last trip to the local barber. However, when we asked him about a haircut at the barber shop, he immediately said "yes" and was an angel throughout the process. We joke that we'll be flying to WDW every 6 weeks just so DS won't look like a girl. :teeth:
Wow! My heart goes out to the OP's son. THAT should NEVER happen.

I take my middle DS to Cool Cuts, a kid place like the one she described, because he also is so difficult. WDW advertises their barber shop to be the same way. You need to make sure with little ones you do not have a stylist like alexsma--nothing against her, but that is not the type of stylist who should move beyond adults even if they cut hair better than anyone else on Earth. We have gotten our boys haircuts there b/c of that with all the other little extra's (colored hair, Mickey's and Mickey confetti) that they just love and have never been disappointed. I now know to not let a stylist like Norma near my kids. Thanks for the warning. I hope they get her out of the barber shop.

Other comments I have:

Not worth sueing over. Thank goodness the OP feels that way. It's hair it grows. But I can't believe she paid. Of course, I've walked out of a salon without paying--one look at my hair and you would have known why. I did have the manager chase out after me to offer me free cuts personally until it grew out.

The post hardly falls under harrassment definitions. I don't think the OP has much to worry about for being sued. All she could cloaim is libel, and truth defeats that claim.

Michael is wonderful. We did have someone else cut our boys hair last time, as he had the day off. The women in their then (sorry, don't remember their names) were also wonderful
I'm glad you posted this. It has educated me to watch the employees before letting them at my DS!

I am very sorry people were so rude as to say you would lie about this. I had someone attack me recently the same way (but not on DISboards). I had posted about my son's vascular tumor and a total jerk head replied that I was lying. Even when I posted pictures, he came back with a retort that the pictures I posted weren't of my son but were on the Discovery Channel website (that I had stolen the images...). (fortunatly we got enough Wendy's/Air Tran coupons to do BOTH the WDW trip and the trip for him to have the vascular tumor removed)

To those who called the OP a liar - SHAME ON YOU!

RE Boys and first haircuts - I have been keeping my DS's hair trimmed above the ears etc myself but his first PROFESSIONAL cut will be at WDW! (I do have a hand up on many though since I was a cosmetologist "in a former life" many many years ago...)
vhoffman said:
Sorry you had such a bad experience, but, in my opinion, you handled it all wrong!

First, why did you just leave without complaining to a manager? I certainly wouldn't have left $10! Ok, I can understand wanting to just put an end to it and get out of there with a screaming 2 year old, however, I wouldn't just have left it at that. Did you make any complaint later to someone in authority? I'd go straight to the top with this one!

In this day and age everyone's so quick to sue for every little thing. However, I'd sue for this. If you have pictures that's good evidence. There's plenty of money-hungry lawyers out there who'd love to take on your case for a contigency--you don't pay unless you win. Go for it! I'd say Disney owes you big time for this. Also, how is "Nora" ever going to get fired without some sort of official complaint from you? Don't expect anything from Disney--they handle complaints by ignoring them in the hopes you'll go away. This goes way beyond a disatisfied customer--this is plain abuse!

I'd also write a letter describing your experiences to local Orlando newspapers and post on other travel boards, such as Allears.net, Frommers, try CondeNast ombudsman, try local (Orlando) tv stations, don't stop until you get satisfaction. Usually I do like you did--make it go away and get along with my vacation. However, NO ONE abuses my children, and that's what this is. You might even file a complaint with the Orange County dept. of child abuse, whatever its called. It is psychological abuse. Go for it, you need to make sure this type of crap doesn't happen again.

BTW, we had planned a trip to Disney this April and now can't make it. I'm reading more and more about bad experiences there with hotels, services, cm's, lack of cleanliness in the parks and restroooms, inadequate maintenance on the rides, etc. Makes me glad now not to be going. Who needs that crap? We've had magical trips in the past, let the memories stay untarnished. Also its simply too much money to risk on a lousey time.

Good luck in getting a resolution to this awful experience!

Yikes!! :scared1:
Lisa loves Pooh said:
Blizzard--I believe that if 2 hairstylists are working--you are able to just pass and wait for the desired stylist to be finished. YOu are under no obligation to take the first stylist (especially if it happens to be Norma).


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