Hope everyone is home safe from the meet last weekend!!!


<font color=royalblue>Oh, meow!!<br><img src=http:
Aug 29, 1999
I can't wait to hear all the gory details! But rest up everyone.

Molokai: Did you get your picture with Dr. Doom??? Hope someone throws us a bone until the trip reports are done!! :D :D :D
Here are the highlights:

1.) MG won the MiB shoot-off.

2.) MG got her photo with Dr. Doom. :)

3.) MG rode the Hulk once. Her DH rode it 3 times!

4.) We met h20jag, his DW, and his DD. We also met MegsMom, her DH, and her DD.

5.) We took a side trip to Gatorland. Gator tastes like tough chicken. :)


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Mahalo Renee, for the welcome back. I really wish you could have been there. Someday we will meet. :)

I won the shootout, but let's not post the scores. LOL DH and I are the worst!

Need to correct Barry, IMHO the conch was tough, the gator was not bad. ;)

Hats off to Barry. He did not push me to ride Hulk before I was ready. But he offered an irresitible bribe. He said he would eat a lollipop with a worm in it if I rode and I did and he did...brave but,GROSS!

I am really tired, 5 hours jet lag to resolve. My luggage got here 24 after me! DGS 5th birthday to celebrate. So I probably won't be posting regular until next week. (Although I have been subpoenaed as a witness for next week in Maui, so I may fly off at a moments notice!)

I am sad that I had no email of our meet. Was anyone watching? I am so glad we got to spend time with Barry - absolutely wonderful guy, we need to matchmake for him people! And a terrific time we had with Jim, Serena and Camille. We bonded immediately. And I forgot to tell Jim how I admired some of his quick responsive posts he makes here. He often says the things I wished I could have thought of to post. So if you are reading this Jim, good job!!! Just got to say hi and by to MegsMom and family.

Now all of you that did not show need to tell me what do I do with all these leis... :D

Aloha, I will be posting lots later. It was a wonderful vacation and only would have been better if you all could have been there.

MG!! It's so good to "hear" your voice!

I want to "hear" EVERYTHING about your trip! I know you had a ball!

btw, I finally booked the Hard Rock! I couldn't let you ALL one-up me!

Welcome back!


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

Thank You Renee!
Finally got a brief report up about Mar. 10.
Was the best time for us , despite only a day trip. Future trips may never be the same now if we're not meeting up with anyone here!
Will be more diligent in posting USF experiences a little quicker too!


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