Honorary Grand Marshall at Disneyland


DIS Veteran
Jan 31, 2003
We were the family selected to be the Honorary Grand Marshall in the Disneyland parade on Monday, November 20, 2006!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

We were taking pictures at the castle around 10 in the morning and two dream team members started talking to us asking us what we were doing for the day and if we had any plans. We had arrived on Saturday so I knew what the dream team members looked like. We told them we had no real plans and we would be able to do anything. They then asked us if we had ever heard of the Honorary Grand marshall family in the parade. We had watched the parade on Sunday night and had commented on how cool would that be! so we said yes, we had heard of it and then they asked if we would be interested in being the family for tonight. My DH, my DS who is 10 and my DD who turned 1 in October and my mom (who loves Disney more then my dad we joke! ) were all able to be in the parade! We were jumping up and down and yelling YES!!!! :banana: I'm sure people thought we were crazy but we were so excited!

Chuck and Angela were our dream team and after we filled out some paperwork releases and such they told us to wait for other dream team members at 6 p.m. at the Walt & Mickey statue. They asked if we were going to change our clothes....we said we can if you don't like what we were wearing and they said no we have to write down what you are wearing so they can find you.

We had the best day ever after that!!! I think we floated :cloud9: around the park.

At 6 we met with Chris and Rebecca. It was great talking to them as they explained some of the dream team fun they have had. We walked up to Town Square and waited for our ride. :moped: We hopped on the fire truck and off we went around Town Square and down the parade route. The fire truck had signs on the side that had our last name and San Jose, CA. We waved the whole route and had the best time!!!! We ended up at Small World and drove behind the gate. Winnie the pooh, Eeyore, and Tigger, Mary Poppins, Bert and the Penguins were all there. They took our sign off and took a picture of us with the characters on our camera, and then we went back near small world and they gave us an area to watch the parade from.

It was a wonderful magical dream come true time!!!!!

There was also a little girl who had won one of the grand prizes, a return visit to Disneyland and her family followed us in another vehicle. I talked to her dad and he said they were on Winnie the Pooh ride and thought they had done something wrong when the dream team approached them.

We never thought in a million years we would be selected for something so wonderful and I know we will cherish the memory forever!!!! :wizard:

I know everyone on the DIS would be just as excited so had to share!!!!
Oh, my goodness, that is SO cool!

We were sitting in the priority seating on Wednesday night for the parade and watched that days Grand Marshall go by, then go back stage, then come sit near us with their balloons and sign. We were so excited for them.

I was wondering, though, if they had anyone to take pictures for them. Did they take pictures for you? If so, will you have to pay for them?

I'm so happy for you!!!
Congrats! That sounds so exciting! :banana: I believe we saw you and I remember wondering "how'd they get picked" so thank you for answering my question. That's definately an extra little piece of magic! :wizard:
Thank you everyone for the well wishes.

We had the best time ever!!!!

As to pictures, they took my camera from me and took a couple along the parade route. My DH videotaped along the whole parade route from the fire truck. When we went backstage they took one picture of us with the signs as a group on my camera. It's not the best picture but I may use it as our Christmas card. I was bummed they did not have a regular photographer-we would have definately bought whatever pictures they took. Or if they put it on the photo pass, I bought the CD (we had 108 pictures so it was worth it!) so they would have been on there.

We did take a picture with Angela from the dream team right after she had us fill out the paperwork. It is on our photopass CD so I need to get a copy and send her a thank you note with it in there!
That is just too darned cool!!! :thumbsup2

What an awesome way to enjoy the parade!!! Congrats!!!
OH MY GOODNESS!! We saw you!!!! I was so excited that a family from San Jose was chosen because we live less than a mile from there and it's really cool to hear your hometown broadcast down Main St (I can't imagine the feeling you got when you heard your family name announced, I probably would have fainted, LOL). You guys looked very happy and like you were having the time of your lives.

Congratulations! What a magical moment!
Did you go back down near the entrance, on the left side, first building after you entered to have your photo taken? The 'team' was photographing a family on the steps there that morning and I wondered what for. Was it your family?? :)
Kim D- How cool that someone from home saw us!!!!

People along the route were definately jumping and waving their SF Giants stuff and yelling Go San Jose! We figured they were from home. We had friends come down to join us but they did not arrive until Tuesday so it was just the 5 of us there!

My 3 kids- no they took our picture behind the white gate at Small World. It was not really backstage more then 15 or so feet. The other family that was having their picture taken might have been the family that won the Grand Prize. (they were from Merced so another Northern CA family!) They won it after 10 a.m. They had a little girl about 5 or so and a 3 year old or so boy. Maybe it was them. The dad said they had to fill out a lot of paperwork. I'm thinking it was more then what we filled out since our's was a non-monetary prize so no taxes had to be paid on it.
We actually got on the fire truck where you are describing. We thought we were going to get to go backstage there too but no such luck. :confused3
They won a return visit to Disneyland for I think 4 days all expenses paid. The lead that was talking to us said everything! would be paid for.....airfare, room, food, merchandise. They have until 2008 to decide when to take the trip and make the arrangements.

Pretty cool prize!!! The dream team said you can look at disneyland.com and see all the prizes and their values.


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