Homesick? (long)


Earning My Ears
Jun 9, 2000
Okay, I know this is a crazy question, but it's consuming me. The Disney paper chain says we leave in 12 days - driving from NJ. So including driving time of 2 days each way we will be gone for 15 days. But during that time look what we're doing!
First night drive and stay at a hotel
2nd night - drive to GA to visit with family for 1 night
On to Orlando, offsite hotel 1 night
OKW 5 nights
More family visiting 2 nights
BWV 4 nights
Drive home - hotel 1 night

A long Disney trip sounded great when I started planning over a year ago! HELP! Will this be too much on my DS 4, and DD 17 months (they're usually flexible and easygoing.)


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