Homesick? (long)


Earning My Ears
Jun 9, 2000
Okay, I know this is a crazy question, but it's consuming me. The Disney paper chain says we leave in 12 days - driving from NJ. So including driving time of 2 days each way we will be gone for 15 days. But during that time look what we're doing!
First night drive and stay at a hotel
2nd night - drive to GA to visit
with family for 1 night
On to Orlando, offsite hotel 1 night
OKW 5 nights
More family visiting 2 nights
BWV 4 nights
Drive home - hotel 1 night

A long Disney trip sounded great when I started planning over a year ago! HELP! Will this be too much on my DS 4, and DD 17 months (they're usually flexible and easygoing.) How can I keep them happy? Oh no :(
When my ds was 1 and dd was 3, we packed up the car and drove to Panama City Beach, from Mpls, MN. We took three days to get there, and stayed 6 days on the beach, then visited Atlanta, hen stayed several days with friends in Knoxville, then took 2 days to drive home, also totallying 15 days away. They did great! The only concern was who was taking care of the cat, my daughter did talk to her uncle on the phone once to make sure the cat was ok. Because we were driving, we brought lots of their toys, I don't know if that helped. This January, we stayed in Florida for 15 days, ds now 5, dd now 8, and they would've stayed longer! I guess I'm not answering your question by giving you any advice, just want to let you know that our experience with long trips has been great. Good luck!
Thank you Jesse for calming my nerves! It sounds like you had some great trips! I have A LOT of distractions for the ride including a TV/VCR, I was just starting to worry about all the different places we're staying. But, I'm going to go back to my original thinking that everything will be fine - a real adventure!
I did think of one piece of advice; if you have room bring a porta-crib. It seems like extra to lug around, but then you don't have to worry at each stop along the way whether they have one, or wait for them to bring it to your room, or whether it is safe, plus your toddler has the security of going to sleep in the "same" place each night.
You must have read my mind Jesse. Just the other day we found one of those roof top carriers to borrow so now we'll definitely have room for the pack-n-play. You're so right about the worrying all night about how she would be sleeping, if she would be safe. Thanks again.


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