home improvement suggestions for under $500


Goal! going on this cruise 37lbs less and I will e
Apr 28, 2001
Got to thinking about home improvements/necessities Id like to have done on our house. We've been here over 9yrs and there are things that have never been done.

1) We havent painted the main floor but I know that's more than $500
2) We havent had the septic pumped and Know this is a necessity
3) We have never had the house power washed as some of our neighbors have
4) Id love to add on a patio on the side of our house. We have a 10x12 deck on the back of our house but it only gets morning sun.
5) recliner for the living room. Small living room only fits a love seat and chair. Thinking of getting a recliner and moving the chair downstairs. We have a finished cellar but no real furniture down there.
6) Disney curtain for my disney den where I DIS and read.
7) rugs can be cleaned

anyone want to add to my dream list?

edited for more dreams - lol
8) patio set for current deck
9) another set of wall shelving for my Disney den
I'd put getting the septic pumped on the TOP of your list.. If it ever backs up - well - you don't even wanna know!

In this area it only costs a hundred dollars - and is worth every penny of it..
Originally posted by imgoingtodisney
Got to thinking about home improvements/necessities Id like to have done on our house. We've been here over 9yrs and there are things that have never been done.

2) We havent had the septic pumped and Know this is a necessity

You havent had your septic pumped in over 9 years! Better get it checked out. You wouldnt want it to be seeping out into a water supply. That could cause a nasty virus. Not something you want to fool around with.
Get that septic pumped!!!! Septic systems can be very costly once they let go never mind the mess!!!!!

They should be pumped at least every other year I believe (someone correct me if I'm wrong!).

When I used to have septic we did it every other year at the cost of only a few hundred dollars...........well worth it!!
Paint....I just did this after 7 years with updated colors and it added a big "punch" to my decor.

(Question......I see lots of things on your list that are semi-necessities that "I" persoanally would have done before giving DVC several thousands of $$. :confused: )
Make your wish list in the order of---I wish I could --If only _________was done.

I to say the septic tank is right now in the first spot--then figure out the next most important task-----paint the living room. It would have to ba a major size room to not be able to get it painted for $500.00. Power wash the outside....That's an easy one---but you'll need to allow for paint and repairs after the washing.

Make a list by inportance---


I'd also suggest getting the septic pump- if your sytem fails you could be looking at major $$$$$$ since the implementation of title V. You should have it pumped every other year at the very least.
ok I wont yell at you for your septic system get it done :)

if you want to repaint, go to your local Home Improvement store and find "mis matched" paint. You likely wont find a several in the same colour( though you might, I have in the past) but for hallways and the like, you can paint really cheaply that way.

how about some new plants in the landscape?
Thats an inexpensive way to add your yard.

How about making a path from point A to Point B in your yard? I was just at Lowes this morning and found the red tinted round stepping stones for 99 cents a piece. those and a bit of sand could add quite a bit for under $20. ( depending on how far you want the walkway to be)
While I understand and empathize with the reasons, I would ask that everyone please refrain from sarcastic remarks referring to the other issue concerning this poster. . . not only is it against the guidelines, but it also is engaging in the same behavior that has exasperated many of us- not letting something drop.

No biggie; but thanks in advance for the understanding and cooperation . :)
Ditto on the septic system advice. If you don't maintain your system, the repair costs can run well into the thousands. :eek:
Try looking at Rotman's Attic for the recliner.

I got a large, oversized recliner with heat & TONS of massage options. Originally $900. I paid $499 - BRAND NEW!!!. It was in the Attic because someone special ordered it. When it came in, she decided the fabric didn't match her room.

It matched my room FINE!!!!!!!! :) It was the first piece picked for our "log cabin" theater room -- so I just built my color scheme from there. And it was my favorite color anyway - dark blue with a nice pattern.

I would have ended up paying $500 from their regular showroom and NOT gotten heat or massage. :)

Besides special orders not picked up, they also put floor models up there to sell. You might find something. I'm looking for a dining room table. I keep checking in to see what they have in the attic.

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