Holiday Inn Maingate East?


DIS Veteran<br><font color=purple>The Tag Fairy is
Apr 30, 2001
Any info in Holiday Inn Maingate? How close is it to the parks? Clean? Good service?
My kids have their hearts set on staying at Buzz Lightyear's house (ASMo) but when I saw the $49 rate on Dream Res I thought I should at least consider it.
Any opinions?
HP, I rate the HIME one of the best family resorts outside Disney. It hasn't got the whizzo pool area of HIFS, but the kids facilities are good (with activity center and Kidsuite rooms), the hotel itself is well looked after and it is an easy drive to Disney (plus, it's right next door to Old Town). For $49 a night, you'd struggle to get better v-f-m, IMHO.
Has any one used the children's activities? I had heard that while they advertise them to be a strong point, they were lacking (magic shows, bingo, etc.) How are the two room suites? Will be there in 280 days!!


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