Holiday Inn Hotel

Disney Debbie

<font color=deeppink>Survivor<br><font color=blue>
Mar 25, 2000
Anybody stayed here? Any opinions? We'd like to go on a mini trip - just 2 nights and check out Universal. I really don't want to spend a whole lot of money. We could try and stay one night at Hard Rock and head back to my folks in Ocala for the 2nd night. Is Hard Rock worth doing that? Does Front of the Line work for check-in day and check-out day and will I be really sorry if I don't do it? I haven't been to Universal in 8 years and I know it's changed! Please give me your honest opinion - but consider I want to go kind of cheap! I've got a Disney Cruise to pay for in December! :)

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Debbie, Bill & Becca with unidentified friend - July, 2000
Hi Debbie,
I started out about 10 days ago planning my trip and planning to stay off-site. But the more I read these posts...and heard everyone really raving about the FOTL priviledge..I knew I just couldn't pass up the opportunity. At first I thought that I'd have to pay the 189.00/night for a Garden View Room...and that was very pricey for us...but now I know about the Entertainment Card rate...and booked for August at 117.50/night. I think that the bit of extra cost (vs. and off site hotel) will be worth the FOTL priviledge..and the opportunity to stay at a fancy shmancy hotel.(stayed at the Yacht Club in Disney 2 years ago and wouldn't have traded that for anything!)

Also, since you are only staying 2 days...wouldn't it be nice to have the FOTL priviledge so that you can see and do more in the weekend?

And Yes, you will have the FOTL on check in day, and on check out day. I asked that specifically the other day when I called. We plan to check our bags very early at the HRH and head over to the parks...and we plan to check our bags when we check out on our 3rd day and head over to the parks still, as well as get in one more swim before we head over to Daytona that night.(very late I'm sure!) other words...Go For It! It'll probably cost you $40-$60 dollars more is all (for only one night) well worth it!


CindyZ in CT, and Mom of 3!
And with the Entertainment rate the difference isn't that much! My co-worker and his family stayed at this particular Holiday Inn in February and they paid $100 a night. No doubt the rate difference for FOTL is worth it!


Mother of Michael
Proverbs 3:5-6


<font color=purple>Co-Moderator of the Community and Universal/IOA Boards</font color=purple>

We are staying at the Holiday Inn & Suites and got the Entertainment Rate of $59.50 a night for a room with a king size bed. (Did not ask what the suite price was as we did not want one)

Have a do da day!

'84 offsite
'90 CB
'94 DL
'99 CB
'00 May-AS Movies, Dec-AS Music
'01 Apr-Offsite
I'd vote for the HR too, save the $$$ by ordering Pizza or eating little cheaper. My DW has bad knees so we were able to ride with her without waiting last year, I can't tell you how much different it is not waiting in hour lines in Florida in June. I'm from Texas and this is the hottest most humid place have ever encountered. Don't dare forget your misters either. We actually found one they had dropped off a cart, it saved our life, sunscreen and lots of drinks/water too. I do beleive it is cooler at these parks than the MK, that place was horrible, no breeze at all.Spend the money you won't regret it, this place will be twice as much next year when they realize what a perk it is.If you don't believe me check out the Poly or one of the hotels around the monorail...
How do you get this entertainment book to get these great rates?? We're spending 3 days at Universal after our disney cruise and are looking for hotels right now. It sounds like you guys are getting awesome rates with this book!
Here's a link to your answer!

Also - if your dates are booked at Entertainment rates (we started so late we couldn't get that rate) I ended up finding a room for May 20th of $139.00 for a garden view on

It was such a good rate DH had me go ahead and book a 2nd night!!! Expedia had garden view @ $169.00 and pool view at $189.00. So just keep on looking!!

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Debbie, Bill & Becca with unidentified friend - July, 2000
Hey Disney Debbie,
It seems as if your quick short trip is growing! Next thing you'll be posting a 5 night stay at HRH! The same thing always happens to me. 2 years ago we planned a trip to WDW (my first time, and the kids' too!). We were going to stay off site and visit just MK. the end we stayed at the Yacht Club(got a WONDERFUL rate) and 5 days in the parks...actually it was the Disney board on this site that helped my trip to grow and grow...but it was worth it...every penny!

The first place we went was Epcot. The first ride we went on was in the "big golf ball" (as my 3 year old put it). When the ride started..I started crying...couldn't believe that I was there, couldn't believe that I finally got my kids to Disney before they were too big to experience it throught the magical eyes of a child! I was overwhelmed. (too corney?)

You know that commercial where the little boy just talks and talks and talks about how he is going to Disney...and talks and talks...but then he is speecless as he stares at Cinderella's Castle...that was me...bright eyed and in awe!

So now...we're heading to Universal. (it was going to be a one park or the other one day trip about 2 weeks ago...but now it's a 2 night stay at HRH with 3 day passes!) The lure of the on site hotels and FOTL has pulled me from Disney. Plus my two older boys are 11 and 13(14 when we're there)....but there's a bit of an ache in my heart for the 5 year old to be so close to Disney..but I think that IOA will be good for him...and NO LINES will be very good for him! I envision lots of time by the pool...without feeling like I need to be a park commando!(which I usually am!)

Anyway...enjoy your trip!

CindyZ in CT, and Mom of 3!
LOL Cindy - it's so easy to get sucked in by the power of Orlando!! But I've never regretted any of our trips and I know we'll have a great time with this one! As many times as I've been to Disney - last year was our first trip to stay in anything above All Stars - we stayed at DL - so I'm really going to feel spoiled staying that close to Universal.

It's funny you mentioned that particular commercial - we were talking about that this morning at the hair salon!

We took DD to Universal when she was 7 and she had a very good time - she did not like Kong though! I'm sure your 5 year old will have a blast!

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Debbie, Bill & Becca with unidentified friend - July, 2000
I got an iBidUSA certificate for around $120 for a three night stay. I have sent several e-mails requesting a reservation, but I have received no confirmation or reply.


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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