Holiday Inn Family Suites adds more Kidsuites


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Apr 25, 2000
Thought I'd repost this info since HIFS is so popular:

The HIFS in Lake Buena Vista is upgrading and revamping its room selection.

100 rooms will be completely redone at a cost of $150,000 to create more Kidsuites. This means that 580 of the property's 800 suites will be Kidsuites.

This also means that HIFS is doing away with the fitness suites that had exercise equipment in the rooms. I guess you get enough exercise herding rugrats
We have end of November ressies for HIFS. Do you know if the rooms will be finished by then? Any information on the theming for these renovated suites?

Thanks for the info :)
I would like to know the answer to this, too. We are staying there the second week in Oct. (in a Kidsuite), and I would like to find out how our stay might be affected.:confused:
Smart marketing move on their part. Although the other suites are cool ideas, I can't imagine too many people taking advantage of them less than a mile from Disney.

The kids suites are incredible!


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