HIFS- Received a great discount!


Earning My Ears
Aug 20, 2001
I do not believe it.. I spent 8 days at HIFS in Sept,2001. I had requested a room near the lobby. When we arrived were placed way in the back facing the woods. I was a little more upset. I let know how I felt at the front desk. That did not help. Well as soon as we got back home. I sent them an email. Well I received a letter back from the mananger and he gave me 30% off the rate anytime during 2002. We are now going at the end of this month and only paying $94.50 per night!! During peak time. It does pay off at times to let them how you feel.....
Do you have the name of the hotel manager that sent you the letter? I had a bad experience in November and would like to see if I can obtain some sort of compensation as well. Thanks
It sure pays to complain, doesn't it? I'm so glad to see you got compensation, so few people do! Good for you!


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