Hi Ho Hi Ho

Slightly Goofy

Sep 30, 2000
Hi Ho Hi Ho, It's off to Disney we go. Finally got our reservations for this year's trips. All Star Music April 22-29 and All Star Movies from September 22nd to October 2nd. NOW, I can get into gear. They had availability for April 1st but I am too slow to get ready that fast. This may be our last trips to Disney (sob) as my health gets worse and worse and I get slower and slower but I will have many happy memories.

Thank you to all of you who helped with rates and tips. Although we have been many times I learn something new everyday on this forum. Thank you to all who post and more thank yous to the wonderful people who set up and take care of it AND us.

Linda and Tom
We are just more than happy to be a part of your trip planning!
And I truly hope that you WILL have Disney trips in your future for MANY YEARS to come! :)

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board
You meet the nicest people hanging around this place. Thanks for the good nite smiles.

It is more than a name, it is who I am.

Slightly Goofy (smile)


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