Hi from the Magic and Hairbraiding


Earning My Ears
May 19, 2001
Hi everyone,

I'm onboard the Magic. Having a marvelous time. Just wanted to check in quickly...very quickly!!

They are now doing hairbraiding onboard the Magic. DD had corn rows done yesterday afternoon.

Everything is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful and of course Magical!!!!

Met several other dis'ers onboard!!! Can't wait till we arrive in St. Maarten! Seas are pretty rough today.....8 - 10 feet, maybe more!!

Great to hear about the hair braiding. How much for full corn rows? My DD (age 9) has a LOT of hair and wants corn rows. I'm glad we won't have to wait until CC to get it done. Is it by appointment? Any help would be great! Thanks in advance and enjoy the rest of the week!
Was on the Magic last week- Did not see hairbraiding on board then so it must VERY new.

Last Monday was rough seas also--

Who are your servers?

Hope you are having a 'Magical' time!!!

Wasn't it just last week that someone posted asking how to suggest that hair braiding be done while on board?

The powers-that-be are quick around here ;)

That was ME asking about the hairbraiding on board! Do you think someone actually took my advice, or is it just a coincidence?!:p Either way - I'm really excited about that for our next cruise! Thanks, Disney Cruise Lines!:wave:
Where are they doing the braiding and for how long, is it all day or just certain hours ? And how much does it cost? About the same as at CC:confused: Boy I sure wish I was there with you but I'll just have to keep getting my "fix" from the boards and wait till my turn come:smooth:
Singing Mom,

You never know.... :) I don't think it would have taken long to implement the program since they obviously already have the people who hairbraid on board. Just a matter of finding someone else to cover their shipboard duties for a couple of hours, I'm sure. You may have changed the whole face of hairbraiding on a Disney Cruise... hehe :)

Well, I know that next time my dd will get it done on board....I hated "losing" beach time while she had it done!
What awesome news. We are leaving in about 1 month and I was a little concerned about braiding on the islands. I really didn't want my dd to wait until the last day - Now I don't have to!!

Where is the braiding done? Do you need an appointment? Cost? Is it like the resorts where they do the hair wrapping all over?

I haven't mentioned it to my dd in case they don't do it when we go - maybe this is a trial thing.


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