Hey Whatt happened to my clipart?


Feb 8, 2001
I had clipart for a signature and nowit just says HIPPIECHICK with out my signature clipart what happened? :confused: Does anyone know?:bounce:
Something weird probably happened in the board change.. mine doesn't work either.
Hi there,

All of the information (Stats, post counts etc.) are from two weeks ago. Therefore, if you had just put in new clipart within the last two weeks, it would now have disappeared.

All you have to do is find the URL for the clipart that you wanted, and put it in the "Signature" box located in your profile.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. :D
Yay, I was able to fix my clipart! I just took my old one and re-entered it.. the board change had switched all the information around. You could go copy-paste from your old profile if you want.


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